Friday, May 15, 2020
The Cost Of College Worth A Degree - 1220 Words
Many young people see going to school as a chore and only go because they have to, some students skip school because it’s boring and â€Å"unnecessary†. Many individuals are raised with the belief that one needs a college education in order to succeed in life. There’s a saying by John Green that says â€Å"every year, many, many stupid people graduate from college and if they can do it, so can you,†but as technology is constantly advancing and computers running 24/7, is a college education really necessary? There are some people who have never been to college and are doing better than people who have achieved a master’s degree. These people (Bill Gates, Steve Jobs) portray unrealistic expectations in youth. Is the cost of college worth a degree? The possibilities are endless because there are views from both sides that contain a valid argument. Some people may argue that the main reason people go to college is not because they want to but because they â€Å"have†to. Could this be parents forcing their children out the door every day to college? Although many people dropout before graduating high school, there are a lot of high school seniors that persuaded or otherwise â€Å"peer pressured†by guidance counselors and parental guardians to attend college because it’s merely rightful. In â€Å"College Isn’t for Everyone,†W.J. Reeves argues that the concept of student and educator apathy is central to the issue of a four-year education not being a viable option for students, and open admissionsShow MoreRelatedIs a College Degree Worth the Costs? Essay945 Words  | 4 Pagesbelieve that a college education is a worthy investment. The ability to become a college graduate will result in making more money. There are more jobs in today’s society that require college degrees. Colleg e graduates develop more and better employment opportunities within earning a degree. Self-discipline is a major element in becoming a successful graduate. Also, college graduates are healthier and live longer. Adults-young and old, male and female-who have a bachelor’s degree or higher haveRead MoreCollege Education Worth The Cost960 Words  | 4 Pages College Education Worth the Cost What you guys think does College Education Worth the Cost? In the article â€Å"The Wall Street Journal†edited by Riley, she said that a college education does not worth the cost. Again, she claims that most of the colleges are doing their business, they did not care about the student (Riley). Those types of colleges have lack serious core curriculum, they did not know their responsibility towards the student. Moreover, I willRead MoreIs College Education Worth The Cost For Students?1385 Words  | 6 Pagesvalue of a college education is a topic that strikes debates across the nation. People wonder if the debt and time will be worth in helping them obtain a career to pay off the debt and generate a larger income for themselves than if they did not have a four-plus year college degree. My whole life, I have always valued a college education. At the same time, I know that the higher education is not as important to others. I never understood why someone does not want to obt ain a college degree, but afterRead MoreCollege Is Not Worth It?1139 Words  | 5 PagesIn the debate about whether college is worth attending, many argue that college is worth it but others argue that college is not worth it. Those who argue that college is worth it contend to say that college graduates make more money, college allows students to explore career options, and not going to college will cost people more money in the future but on the other hand, those who argue that college is not worth it contend to say that college graduates are employed in jobs that do not require degreesRead MoreCollege Education Is All This Really Worth It?850 Words  | 4 Pagesseven years in college, with that magic piece of paper clutched triumphantly in my fist, the best job I was able to get was night watchman on a sewer project in Babylon, N.Y. guarding a hole in the ground to prevent anyone from stealing it. God bless the American educational system!†― Spider Robinson (G While many are excited about starting college and beginning a new chapter in their lives, too often the college freshman wonders â€Å"Is all this really worth it?†. Is a college educationRead MoreIs A College Education Worth It?1443 Words  | 6 PagesOne 23 March 2016 Is a College Education Worth It? Is the American dream just a dream?The worth of a college education is arguably one of the most controversial topics in the country. Over the years, the American education system seems to emphasize and underline the importance of college education. The reality of the situation is that a college education can be appreciated through looking at the statistical numbers of people that have enrolled in to college education. A college education is valued becauseRead MoreIs College Worth It?923 Words  | 4 Pages is college worth it? Many people question this especially high school students who are about to graduate. This debate is still taking place today. The common misunderstood saying is, if you have a degree you will then have a good job. But this is not the case because in today’s society there are so many people with degrees who still cannot find a job. The rate of unemployment is increasing rapidly on a yearly basis. High school students see it this way, if I can’t find a job with a degree thenRead MoreCollege Education Is Worth The Cost846 Words  | 4 PagesMany recent college graduates have faced record levels of unemployment. This situation has lead people to question what they value about higher education. Some high school students and their parents are wondering if a college education is worth the cost. Others, however, believe that a college prepares students for more than just a job or career. Many people then present the counter argument that people like Bill Gates, Steve Jobs, and Mark Zuckerberg did not have a college degree, but unlike themRead MoreIs College Cost Too Much?938 Words  | 4 Pagesthat â€Å"you have to go to college†and â€Å"stay in school†, but is it worth it? It seems that society in a way pressures everyone to get a college degree like it’s the right thing to do and there’s no other option. The question that goes around is, does college cost too much? Well college is what an i ndividual makes of it and depending on the circumstances, it can be worth it, but, can also not be. Before addressing the situation, there is the question of why people go to college. According to CarolineRead MorePersuasive Essay1334 Words  | 6 PagesMeyer AP English 11 February 22, 2013 Is it really worth going to college, owing hundreds of dollars in order to get a degree in a profession to become successful and experienced in the real world? Today, as tuition costs increase students are questioning whether college is fit for them or not. For one, college can be really expensive, for example at the University of Minnesota for an undergraduate during the academic year of 2011-2012, the cost for one credit was $448.08 and $5,825 for a total of
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