Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Antecedents and Consequences of Ethical Leadership †Free Samples
Question: Discuss about the Antecedents and Consequences of Ethical Leadership. Answer: Introduction: The essay deals with the analysis of aspects of change that has been observed in a group. Leadership is the ability of translating visions into realities. Devoid of proper governance and efficient leadership at every level in civil, public and private organizations, it is debatably nearly impossible to sustain and achieve efficient administration, to accomplish goals, to maintain the quality as well as deliver first class services. The growing requirements and complexities that arise from the continuous changes in the society, in addition to the continuous drive for higher productivity, call for ethical and effective leadership (Auerbach, 2012). Proper governance with ethical and effective leadership is the vital requirements for an organization to do well in the twenty-first century. Quality leadership in the educational field is essential for an all-round success of a school system or an individual school. Dwight D. Eisenhower, the thirty-fourth President of United States, had stated in his definition of leadership that it is an art of getting something done by somebody else. Leadership is witnessed at not only the work place, but almost everywhere. At all circumstances, the leader initiates or takes a step forward for taking charge of the situations. It can be at the workplace, educational institution, or any other place. No person is a leader from the birth. A person becomes a leader as they have the sincerity and credibility, as a result other individuals would be inclined to obey or follow them (Flores et al., 2012). As per my observation, the leaders possessed exemplary leadership skills and qualities such as honesty, confidence, commitment, discipline, positive attitude and creativity. The body language of the leaders was appropriate and they were active listeners. The group members were able to participate actively in the group sessions and share their views. Proper planning was done by the leaders, which helped in proper management of the group activities. The leaders regularly invited the group members to share their views and opinions on the happenings over the weeks. The leaders encouraged the participation of the group members in the group activities by properly interacting with them in a two way communication process. However, a few members took active participation in the group meetings while the others remained reluctant. The major issue, which aroused was the lack of confidence among a few members. Due to lack of confidence, a few group members could not openly express their views and could not freely participate in the group activities. Throughout the session, I have observed that the leaders were friendly in nature and encouraged all the group members to participate in the group activities. They were successful in paying equal attention to all the members. In order to make the activities interesting, the leaders often asked questions to the group members and tried to raise the level of confidence of the group members who lacked the courage to put forward their views and suggestions. I observed the leaders to be emphatic and enforce a cross- cultural leadership style. Since the group members belonged to different cultures and backgrounds, the implementation of cross- cultural leadership proved to be fruitful for the group activities and restored peace and harmony among the group members. Cross- cultural leadership style ensured that there is equality among the members and no discrimination on any grounds. This enables the group members to form healthy personal relations with the leaders (Galegher, Kraut Egido, 2014 ). An indispensable quality that is important for being an efficient leader, is to have a balanced attitude and have different perspectives. Possessing these qualities gives an ability to view the world from various angles. I, as a leader assuming to be equipped with these qualities, opine that, the mode by which I perceive the world is definitely not the only mode of perceiving. Rather, I believe in the principle thatthe world is viewed by various ways by different people. By the conception of perspective, I believe that, there is a probability to modify my views to give new insight for my actions. This quality calls for immense intellectualities as well as philosophical modesty from members of a certain organization (Dugan, Kodama Gebhardt, 2012). The factor of body language determination has been an important part in the observation process. It comprises of gesture, facial expression and others. Body language makes a major impact as a speaker. Some members make gestures by nodding heads, which may either imply a yes or a no. However, it varies from person to person. It has been evident that meetings are a process followed in any workplace. The reason can be sharing of thoughts. There are pseudo listeners who act or pretend to listen. However, active listening has really been on the focus, as it is the process of listening in a full attentive manner. This process has been aggravated by globalization. The seating arrangement has also been an area of focus in my observation, as it can influence the whole interaction or meeting among people. However, it often happens by chance, and not intentionally. It has been assumed that seating arrangements should be done by providing justice to every member. The leaders were placed at the centre, able to communicate and obverse the other members. The strategy of shared leadership was observed to be working in the educative group. Shared leadership models of governance mean the leaders seek out other persons in the school premises to build a partnership, hit the strengths of others, and progress the vision forward jointly. The leaders acted and believed in traditions that call for invitations and encouraged a common purpose appreciate that intensified relationship that was developed by both informal and formal interaction and was elementary to motivate every member to proceed in a similar direction. Planning in a group helps in achieving a common goal. Similarly, I have observed that the leaders ensured that there is an alternative plan in case the primary plan does not work. As one of the various leadership aspects, implementation of a fruitful change management strategy is an important part of any fruitful leadership strategy of the team. Organizational change has been a constant trait of contemporary organizations and the reliance upon program delivery and successful projects has not been higher. It does not depend on the shortage of money that is generating a large number of strategic initiative mishaps (Mendenhall, 2012). The most important causes are often related to inadequate communications, across the organization. Effective leaders in the school are the key to a large scale and sustainable reform of education. Leaders have a deep and more lasting impact on organization and provides more comprehensive headship if the focus spreads beyond sustaining high standards. Cultural Change leaders display blatant enthusiasm, hope and energy. Moreover, few indispensable components characterizes the leaders in the knowledge society, such as moral purpose, understanding of the process of change, the ability to develop relationship, knowledge sharing and creation, and rationality (Holt Marques, 2012). Moral purpose is the societal responsibility to the environment and other persons. leaders in school with a moral purpose intend to make some differences in the lives of the students. They have been concerned regarding bridging the gap between the high performers and lower performers in schools and raising the achievements of the students (Bogotch, 2014). The objective is not just to innovate, but Innovating in a selective manner with rationality is considered better. Possessing the best idea is not sufficient. The leaders helped other persons to find and assess collective meanings and commitments to new means. The leaders did not avoid the expected early difficulty of trying some new thing. It was known to them, for instance, that regardless of how much they arrange or plan for the changes, the first few months after implementing will be rough (Wagner et al., 2012). Resistance is to be redefined. Successful leaders are generally not concerned when naysayers cause an argument. Sometimes the doubters have significant points to be taken into consideration. Leaders seek for means for addressing those concerns. Reculturing has been the name of the game, which says that a culture of the school influences the thought process of the people, their feelings, and actions. Being competent to shape and understand the culture is a key to the success of schools in promoting learning of the students and staffs (Northouse, 2015). Creation and sharing of knowledge is fundamental to effective leaderships. Information, facts or data, of which we have an overabundance, simply becomes knowledge by asocialprocess. Therefore, professional learning communities and relationships are necessary. Organizations must promote knowledge seeking as well as knowledge giving. Student Success Skills is a program designed for helping the students to develop the academic, self management and social skills that are required to be successful in schools. The counselors in school are encouraged for setting themselves up for the success in presentation of outcomes by implementation of the interventions as anticipated and keeping a track of the attendance of the student in a group session (Mayer et al., 2012). Good Governance and efficient leadership are considered two sides of one coin. The two have several mutual elements. Good Governance may not be envisaged by us in totality without an efficient leadership. In reality, we may not achieve good governance in totality for psychological, sociological and cultural impacts as well as differences. Leaders are expected to walk their talk; that is, the leaders are expected to practically do what has beensaid by their mouth. Promptness for accepting the change is an additional essential constituent to ensure good governance; in order that the present leaders as well as the emerging leaders in future ought to be prepared for accepting the change and proceed accordingly. References Auerbach, S. 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