Saturday, January 4, 2020
Essay about Ben Franklin - 627 Words
Benjamin Franklin stands tall among a small group of men we call our Founding Fathers. Ben used his diplomacy skills to serve his fellow countrymen. His role in the American Revolution was not played out on the battlefields, but rather in the halls and staterooms of governments. His clear vision of the way things should be, and his skill in both writing and negotiating, helped him to shape the future of the United States of America. His most important service was as a member of the Constitutional Convention of 1787. Although it was not accepted, he is reported to have been the author of the single legislative Assembly, instead of two branches. Other statesmen have considered bicameral assembly preferable, and which have since been adopted†¦show more content†¦He disapproved, also of the distinctions of rank incident to two assemblies, one being called the Upper and the other the Lower House, as having an aristocratical tendency, unfavorable to the liberty and equality which are the essence of republican institutions. Not only did Franklin argue the bicameral legislature, but he also argued the idea that each state should have an equal amount of votes, rather then vary by population. Franklin opposed it strenuously in the debates, as unjust and preposterous, since it gave to the smallest State the same power as to the largest. He said that if the practice had heretofore been necessary it was no longer so because it was easy to ascertain the comparative importance of the States, and to adjust the representation according to the number of inhabitants, and the degree of strength afforded by them respectively to the united body. Moreover, this method of voting by States had a mischievous effect in another point of view. The delegates acted as representatives of States and not of the people. They were naturally biased by local partialities and a tenacious adherence to State rights, which it was extremely desirable to keep out of sight at this time of common peril and calamity, and even forever if it was intended to strengthen and perpetuate the union. So lively an interest did he take in thisShow MoreRelated Ben Franklin Essay1642 Words  | 7 PagesBen Franklin Benjamin Franklin was one of the most influential people in American history. Franklin was born on January 17, 1706, in a small town in Boston. Benjamin was one of ten children. His father, Josiah was a candle and soap maker, and his mother Abiah Folger was a homemaker. When Benjamin was only twelve years old he signed his identures so that he could apprentice under his brother, working at a printing press. 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