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Evolution Of Mass Tourism Destinations Tourism Essays
Evolution Of Mass Tourism Destinations Tourism Essays Evolution Of Mass Tourism Destinations Tourism Essay Evolution Of Mass Tourism Destinations Tourism Essay The word cordial reception comes from the Latin word hospes, which means host or invitee. Hospitality has come to intend run intoing the demands of invitees with kindness and good will. The cordial reception and touristry industry ( H A ; T industry ) meets the demands of people with kindness and good will while they are off from their places. The H A ; T industry is broken into four service sectors: nutrient and drink, housing, diversion, and travel and touristry. Assorted theories and methods are used in researching the touristry and cordial reception fields the most of import and effectual in all them are the critical research theory, qualitative research method and quantitative research method. The chief undertaking of critical research is seen as being one of societal review, whereby the restrictive and estranging conditions of the position quo are brought to visible radiation. Critical research focuses on the resistances, struggles and contradictions in modern-day society, and seeks to be emancipatory i.e. it should assist to extinguish the causes of disaffection and domination. criticalness is a contested thought, one with a assortment of significances each claimed by different groups for really different intents. How the term critical is used necessarily reflects the political orientation and worldview of the user One of the best known advocates of moderns of a critical attack to qualitative research includeA Ngwenyama and Lee s ( 1997 ) A andA Hirschheim and Klein s ( 1994 ) A work.A A Myers and Klein ( 2011 ) A suggest a set of rules for the behavior of critical research. Qualitative research is used to research and understand people s beliefs, experiences, attitudes, behavior and interactions. It generates non- numerical informations, e.g. a patient s description of their hurting instead than a step of hurting. In wellness attention, qualitative techniques have been normally used in research documenting the experience of chronic unwellness and in surveies about the operation of administrations. Qualitative research techniques such as focal point groups and in-depth interviews have been used in one-off undertakings commissioned by guideline development groups to happen out more about the positions and experiences of patients and carers. Quantitative research generates numerical informations or informations that can be converted into Numberss, for illustration clinical tests or the National Census, which counts people and families. A comprehensive analysis of 1274 articles published in the top two American sociology diaries between 1935 and 2005 found that approximately two tierces of these articles used quantitative methods. The development of mass touristry finishs: New attacks beyond deterministic theoretical accounts in Benidorm ( Spain ) Josep A. Ivars I Baidala, A 1, A , A Isabel Rodriguez Sanchezb, A , A , A Jose Fernando Vera Rebollob, A 2, A aA Instituto Valenciano de Tecnologias Turisticas ( INVAT.TUR ) Conselleria de Turismo Paseo Tolls, 2 Benidorm, Spain bA Instituto Universitario de Investigaciones Turisticas, Universidad de Alicante, Edificio de Institutos, Campus de San Vicente del Raspeig signal-to-noise ratio, Ap. 99 E-03080, Spain Received 26 November 2011. Accepted 29 April 2012. Available on-line 2 June 2012. hypertext transfer protocol: //, A How to Cite or Link Using DOI Permissions A ; Reissues Abstraction Although deterministic theoretical accounts of the development of mass touristry coastal resorts predict an about inevitable diminution over clip, theoretical models of the development and reconstituting policies of mature finishs should be revised to reflect the complex and dynamic manner in which these finishs evolve and interact with the touristry market and planetary socio-economic environment. The present survey examines Benidorm because its urban and touristry theoretical account and large-scale touristry supply and demand make it one of the most alone finishs on the Mediterranean seashore. The probe reveals the demand to follow theories and theoretical accounts that are non strictly deterministic. The dialectic interplay between external factors and the internal factors built-in in this finish at the same time reveals a complex and diverse phase of adulthood and the ability of finishs to make their ain hereafter. Highlights a-? Analysis of external and internal kineticss in the development of a tourer finish. a-? Cross-analysis between planetary factors and local responses. a-? Mature tourer finishs dynamism entail an undeniable complexness. a-? Finishs can act upon their ain hereafter development. a-? Long term fight depends on the local version capacity to alterations. Keywords Life rhythm ; A Development of mature tourer finishs ; A Restructuring ; A Internal and external factors ; A Benidorm 1. Introduction This paper assesses theories of the life rhythm and restructuring of tourer finishs in visible radiation of the recent development of Benidorm, a paradigmatic coastal finish on the Mediterranean ( seeA Fig.A 1 ) , and analyses different stages of its development, which reflect the planetary factors and local procedures that affect touristry. The probe revealed that the deterministic nature of Butler s Tourism Area Life Cycle theoretical account ( Cooper, 2006 ) and Miossec s modelA ( 1977 ) A did non use to the development of Benidorm, which has adapted to different market fortunes and possesses characteristics that guarantee its fight in the modern-day touristry scene. Therefore, this survey presented a new attack to the evolutionary analysis of coastal resorts that complements traditional theoretical theoretical accounts. Fig.A 1.A Location of Benidorm on the Mediterranean seashore. Benidorm is a typical illustration of the resorts that emerged along the Mediterranean seashore in the 1960s during the mass touristry roar that catered chiefly to foreign tourers through big international circuit operators that controlled the market. However, its alone urban development theoretical account is important for understanding the kineticss of this vacation resort. Originally a little fishing small town, Benidorm is the consequence of a local planning theoretical account based on a public enterprise that was ab initio approved in 1956 and partly modified in 1963. Within this model, the governments planned the classs of land usage and edifices and defined growing countries, in peculiar an country of urban enlargement adjacent to the Levante beach which led to Benidorm s typical image of high-density urban development and tower block edifices. Benidorm is one of the most of import tourer finishs on the Mediterranean seashore. The 2010 nose count identified 74,000 registered dwellers, 37 % of whom are aliens. In regulated adjustments ( hotels, flats and campgrounds ) , Benidorm provides more than 68,000 beds and there are 18,000 2nd places. Hotels entirely yearly register about 10 million nightlong corsets, with foreign ( chiefly British ) tourists accounting for half of these visits. Throughout its development as a tourer finish, this vacation resort has had a high mean length of stay for tourers and high hotel tenancy rates throughout the twelvemonth due to limited seasonality. However, new tendencies in the touristry market have raised uncertainties about the hereafter of this finish. The first subdivision of this paper provides a elaborate analysis of the recent development of this finish, the specific local impact of external planetary factors and the internal factors related to the kineticss of territorial and touristry characteristics that are alone to this finish. The end of the analysis was to find the extent to which the recent development of this finish was influenced by the interaction of external forces or planetary factors with local steps designed to restitute the finish and keep its fight. The 2nd subdivision focuses on the sentiments of localA stakeholdersA who have influenced the development of the finish and whose actions will mostly find Benidorm s hereafter. The analysis of mature finishs is of involvement from academic, political and touristry direction positions. Academic approaches focal point on the relationship of mature finishs with sustainable development and market variegation ( Bramwell, 2004 ) , the development of long-tail schemes ( Lew, 2008 ) , and the function of mature finishs within a planetary scenario affected by structural alterations in the touristry market ( Duhamel A ; Violier, 2009 ; A Shaw A ; Coles, 2007 ) . From the political and institutional point of position, the Spanish Ministry of Tourism is presently developing theA Coastal Tourism Plan for the 21st centuryin coaction with regional authoritiess, which will revise touristry schemes to bring forth higher degrees of sustainability, invention and distinction. The end is to alter the prevalent economic and touristry theoretical account for the Mediterranean seashore and the Canary and Balearic Islands from the current theoretical account, which is based on th e residential building that has been brought to a standstill due to the economic crisis. The program provides a national enterprise to increase the value of mature tourer finishs and is consistent with public steps to advance the redevelopment of mature finishs that began in the 1990s. Analyzing the recent development of Benidorm is peculiarly relevant in visible radiation of both structural alterations in the touristry market and the current economic crisis. In contrast to touristry theoretical accounts based on urban conurbation, which have resulted in spread colonies in coastal countries ( European Environment Agency, 2006 ) , Benidorm offers an urban denseness theoretical account that is more environmentally efficient in respect to energy, H2O and land usage, is less dependent on private conveyance and is more attractive to tourers year-round ( Iribas, 2000 ) . As a consequence, it is widely acknowledged as a hereafter theoretical account for coastal finishs that seek to be holiday hubs ( MVRDV, 2000 ; A Thomson Holidays, 2010 ) . To find the extent to which modern-day mature finishs can germinate into future vacation hubs, it is critical to analyze how finishs like Benidorm have addressed issues such as the negative image of a mass touristry finish ; dependance on the British and Spanish market sections ; re-intermediation processes in touristry distribution and alterations in circuit operator processes such as on-line travel agents, internet distribution systems, andA dynamic packaging ; alterations in consumer penchants and behavior forms due to generational alterations, the increasing diverseness of travel motives and decreases in the mean length of stay ; and limited concern net income borders. These new worlds suggest a new attack to amalgamate finishs that does non back up the prevalent theoretical claim of inevitable diminution. 2. Theoretical model Although there were noteworthy case in points ( Christaller, 1963 ; A Gilbert, 1939 ) , the analysis of the development of tourer finishs emerged as a research involvement with the rise of international touristry as a mass phenomenon. During the 1970s, several critical surveies ( Miossec, 1977 ; A Plog, 1973 ; A Thurot, 1973 ; A Turner A ; Ash, 1975 ) identified mass touristry as the concluding phase in the development of finishs, a phase that would finally take finishs to lose their original attraction. Butler s ( 1980 ) A Tourism Area Life Cycle ( TALC ) , which is the most cited work in touristry geographics ( Gibson, 2008 ) , emerged during the passage from quantitative geographics to critical geographics ( Coles, 2006 ) and became a mention theoretical account that explained the development of tourer finishs ( seeA Fig. 2 ) . As the theoretical account was applied to diverse finishs and different attacks ( Butler, 2006a, A 2006b ) , the initial theory became more comprehensive, although many theoretical parts and instance surveies besides identified the theoretical account s restrictions ( Vera A ; Banos, 2010 ) . Fig.A 2.A The touristry country life rhythm theoretical account ( Butler, 1980 ) . The TALC theoretical account acquired particular relevancy for both the direction of coastal finishs and research on these finishs due to the demand to place the phase of adulthood and turn to the issue of possible hereafter diminution ( Agarwal, 2002, A 2005 ) . Based on this theory, A Knowles and Curtis ( 1999 ) A argued that the second-generation Spanish Sun and sand finishs that appeared in the sixtiess, which are presently mature finishs, faced an irreversible diminution because of the finishs loss of attraction, which was caused by alterations in consumer motives, the outgrowth of rival finishs and a autumn in domestic demand due to the increasing popularity of travel to foreign states. These writers flatly claimed that public and private proposals would merely prorogue the irreversible diminution. However, their deterministic claim was based on the premises of a qualitative prospective survey, and although these premises were based on existent kineticss, they could non be ver ified. In contrast, A Aguilo , Alegre, and Sard ( 2005 ) A has argued that the addition in Numberss of tourer reachings and satisfaction degrees supported the endurance of the Sun and sand theoretical account and the efficiency of the redevelopment enterprises carried out in the Balearic Islands. Similarly, A Claver, Molina, and Pereira ( 2007 ) A found that Benidorm hotels maintained a competitory place based on the figure of nightlong corsets, per room tenancy rates, application of quality direction systems and profitableness degrees. Because the interaction between resorts and the market is complex, the symptoms of diminution must be diagnosed and responded to proactively. As a consequence, the European Commission promoted a survey to place worsening tourer finishs, which were defined as tradition touristry suppliers that exhibited negative tendencies, such as a lessening in the flow of tourers, impairment in the quality of the finish, trouble in vouching sustainable touristry or the influence of exogenic factors ( TNO Inro, 2002 ) . This definition is excessively generic and obscure because these indexs do non ever reflect a structural diminution, and the definition does non place the threshold at which a diminution has occurred. However, because this position did non restrict diminution to sector facets but addressed the sustainability of development, this attack supported the claim that an environmental jobs could besides take to a touristry crisis by bring forthing an imbalanced economic and societal developm ent for tourer finishs. However, A Agarwal ( 2005 ) A noted that the definition s standards for diminution were the effects of it and that the key was to place the causes instead than the symptoms of diminution. The construct of the TALC exhibits analogues to theories of productive restructuring. Both attacks agree on the demand to prosecute in disciplinary steps to avoid the effects of diminution. Within the model of productive restructuring theory, A Agarwal ( 2002, A 2005 ) A viewed the diminution of finishs as due to the interaction between internal forces that reduced the fight of a finish and external factors that intensified competition. The global-local interaction procedure proposed by this writer highlighted the importance of local conditions and actions to modify the effects of regional or planetary developments, in conformity with the glocal nature of touristry development processes ( Milne A ; Ateljevic, 2001 ) . Deterministic attacks were frequently set aside in favor of local planning to keep the fight of different coastal finishs through diverse restructuring schemes. For illustration, A Bramwell ( 2004 ) summarised the schemes employed by assorted finishs in the Mediterran ean Basin ; A Anton ( 2011 ) classified coastal finishs in Spain as reactive, originative or transitive depending on the restructuring policies adopted ; A Priestley and Mundet ( 1998 ) A analysed the post-stagnation stage of assorted finishs on the seashore of Catalonia, Spain, part whichA Garay and Canoves ( 2011 ) A late analysed by using the TALC and ordinance theory ; andA Oreja, Parra, and Yanes ( 2008 ) A integrated teleological positions with the TALC to analyze Tenerife in the Canary Islands in Spain. The recent development of finishs has besides been explained in footings of a passage from Fordism to post-Fordism.A Urry ( 1990 ) A argued that cultural alterations associated with post-modernism were the primary footing for the loss of attraction experienced by British coastal finishs since the 1970s.A Poon s ( 1993 ) history has emphasised alterations in demand and technological inventions, whileA Agarwal s ( 2002 ) A has emphasised flexible production systems. However, non all writers accept histories based on a additive passage from Fordism to post-Fordism. Certain writers ( Agarwal A ; Shaw, 2007 ; A Debbage A ; Ioannides, 1998 ; A Torres, 2002 ) have argued that post-Fordist and neo-Fordist state of affairss coexist in specific tourer finishs ; for case, the behavior of international tourer operators exhibits new signifiers of mass production that coexist with customised travel and the variegation of tourer motives. In contrast, new forms of international mobility ( Sheller A ; Urry, 2004 ; A Williams A ; Hall, 2002 ) affect established finishs with foreign occupants which presently absorb impermanent and lasting labor flows, every bit good as flows of short stay tourers due to the addition in low-priced air hoses, which make air travel more accessible ( Vera A ; Ivars, 2009 ) . These flow additions have influenced existent estate demand and favoured existent estate touristry, which in bend has increased adjustment capacity and the municipal demographic range.A Gonzalez ( 2008 ) A confirmed that the most of import tourer finishs on the Spanish Mediterranean coastline were pulling dwellers, investings, services and substructure. Based on the above considerations, an analysis of established finishs must see the consequence of tourer activity on territorial construction and urban functions.A Knafou ( 2006 ) A stressed that the urban and demographic growing attach toing the development of tourer finishs tended to increase their complexness. This is an indispensable characteristic of tourist urban sprawls such as the Cote dAzur, the Belgian seashore, the Costa Brava and Florida, where urban development has acquired a new dimension that can no longer be viewed entirely in footings of touristry. On a local graduated table, these kineticss have been examined for finishs such as Rimini ( Conti A ; Perelli, 2005 ) . An analytical position that considers the importance of the economic maps of finishs and the extent of their centrality within a district has been insufficiently developed in traditional touristry research, which has chiefly focused on the development of touristry demand and ignored the territorial kineticss that arise from the development of tourer finishs. As a consequence, the most recent surveies look intoing Butler s life rhythm theory have emphasised the demand to analyze the spacial dimensions of the theory in greater deepness ( Hall A ; Page, 2009 ) . In drumhead, the dynamic and complex nature of tourer finishs precludes the application of pre-established theoretical theoretical accounts in favor of diverse theoretical attacks. The dialectical interplay between external and internal factors underlies the uneven development of tourer finishs, which are non needfully fated to worsen. Tourist finishs are able to accommodate to fortunes and can act upon their hereafter evolution.A Walton ( 2000 ) A highlighted the resiliency of British coastal finishs despite jobs during the latter portion of the twentieth century. These finishs did non endure terminal diminution but experienced a function displacement ( Shaw A ; Coles, 2007 ) . Despite the fascination with diminution, most coastal touristry finishs still attract visitants as some have or more than 200 old ages ( Duhamel A ; Violier, 2009 ) . Therefore, the key to survival prevarications in the ability to accommodate to ever-changing fortunes. 3. Methods Harmonizing to the theoretical model adopted in this paper, statistical information for the 1988 to 2010 period were analysed to place the different stages of adulthood of Benidorm based on variables associating to the finish itself and to the touristry environment, in peculiar touristry policies implemented during the period. To bring forth the development curve for the finish, nightlong hotel corsets were selected as the key variable because they are representative for finishs like Benidorm and the official statistics obtained from the monthly census-based study of hotel constitutions in Benidorm were reliableA Tourism Survey of the Valencian Tourism Agency. The tourer nightlong hotel stay variable was chosen because it was based on a monthly study of the hotels in Benidorm and was available for a longer clip period ( 1988-2010 ) . This variable measured the inflow of tourers busying the about 40,000 available beds in regulated adjustment. Furthermore, usage of the hotel study made it possible to cross-index other variables such as the average business, seasonality and alterations in markets of beginning during the survey period. Although the entire figure of tourers sing the finish was the most theoretically relevant variable, it could non be measured through empirical observation because gauging nightlong corsets in flats and at bivouacing sites presented methodological jobs and this information was merely available for a shorter clip period. In add-on, although supply statistics chiefly the alteration in the figure of beds were analysed, the behavior of these variables was more inactive and did non explicate the cyclical demand constituent. As a consequence, these indexs were regarded as accessory to the demand variables. The distinction of stages within the adulthood period was complemented by qualitative research on internal factors in local touristry policy and direction reflected in the sentiments of differentA stakeholders. This attack regards the finish as an unfastened system with private and public interdependent agents, in which the actions of one party affect other parties ( Pulido, 2010 ) . The 23A stakeholdersA selected were representative of the local touristry industry ; interviews were held with persons who managed and owned the most of import independent hotels or hotel groups, representatives of touristry industry associations with a multisector remit ( flats, bivouacing sites, leisure industry, etc. ) and political leaders and council functionaries who were responsible for touristry and related countries such as urban and environmental planning. Persons were interviewed from January through June of 2010. The interviews were analysed utilizing theA Atlas.tisoftware plan, which is base d onA Strauss and Corbin s ( 1990 ) A grounded theory technique. 4. The complex development of Benidorm: different stages of adulthood The analysis of factors related to the planetary touristry environment, such as the development of the touristry market, economic rhythms, sociopolitical contexts, and the public and private actions that formed the local responses describe four distinguishable phases for alterations in the figure of nightlong corsets at this finish ( seeFig. 3 ) : aˆ? Phase 1. International recession and supply-demand instabilities ( 1988-1993 ) aˆ? Phase 2. A new expansive stage ( 1994-2001 ) aˆ? Phase 3. The stabilization phase ( 2002-2007 ) aˆ? Phase 4. Effectss of the international economic crisis ( 2007-2009 ) Fig.A 3.A Recent development stages and factors impacting on the touristry and territorial kineticss of Benidorm ( 1988-2010 ) . 4.1. Phase 1. International recession and supply-demand instabilities ( 1988-1993 ) Phase 1 occurred after a period of economic enlargement in Spain and the Valencia part, and the figure of nightlong corsets reached a upper limit between 1986 and 1987. In 1988, jobs in accommodating the touristry supply to alterations in international touristry demand, such as alterations in travel penchants, reeling of vacations, more complex and diverse travel motives, and increasing competition from more alien tourer countries created a clime of uncertainness. Within a twelvemonth, a touristry crisis both at the national and at the local degree was by and large acknowledged. There was a important decrease in nightlong corsets and a little lessening in reachings of visitants due to factors such as the grasp of the peseta and the Spanish rising prices derived function. The recession led to oppugning of the traditional Sun and sand theoretical account and the thought that successful touristry meant a quantitative growing in demand, taking to proposals for variegation of touristry of ferings and markets. In 1990, other international factors, such as the Gulf War in the Middle East, ended the sustained growing and enlargement of international travel. In Spain, the crisis was widespread and the 1990 season was considered the worst of the decennary. The tendency observed in the old twelvemonth was magnified and the figure of visitants in peculiar, British visitants continued to diminish. This was partly attributed to the rise in the exchange rate of the peseta with regard to other currencies, rising prices and economic recession in of import tourist-generating states, such as Great Britain. The state of affairs improved in 1991, and exogenic factors, such as the decreased popularity of other finishs such as Greece and Turkey, were associated with an addition in the figure of visitants and nightlong hotel corsets. In 1992 and 1993, the touristry industry in Spain improved ; fewer Spaniards travelled abroad and favorable exchange rate following the devaluation of the peseta made Spain more competitory as a finish by increasing the disbursement capacity of foreign tourers. This tendency was besides observed in Benidorm, where there was a passage from a positive to a negative dynamic, peculiarly for the primary international ( British, Belgian and Dutch ) markets ; this contrasted with the behavior of the national market, which was more unvarying. During this stage, the hotel capacity in Benidorm was comparatively stable. At the beginning of this stage, 31,370 beds were available ( 42.8 % of the entire hotel beds in the Valencian part in 1988 ) . In 1994, at the terminal of this stage, there were 32,238 beds an addition of merely 2.8 % . It should be noted that at the beginning of this stage, most of the chiefly 2- and 3-star hotels in Benidorm had been built between 1960 and 1970 during the tourer roar, and hotel engagements were chiefly made through circuit operators, which created fewer fluctuations in demand compared to finishs that depended on occasional tourers. At this clip, Benidorm had much more to offer in respect to recreational and leisure installations than environing finishs. A in private financed H2O park was merely one of the attractive forces that targeted visitants of all ages. During this phase, Benidorm besides became the base for twenty-four hours trips to nearby small towns, which were requested by international circuit operators and organised by local business communities. Integrating these elements added value to the Sun and sand bundle vacations ( Vera A ; Banos, 2010 ) . During this phase, public enterprises focused on urban planning and bettering environmental quality to heighten fight with rival Sun and sand finishs, and a strategic selling program ( 1991 ) was developed to present new ways to advance the town. In lAiguera, portion of the river bottom that cut through the town was used to make an extended populace park with unfastened infinites, landscaping countries and locales for unfastened air shows. The undertaking, which was designed by the designer Ricardo Bofill, integrated the infinite into the town, which added value to the immediate milieus. The Levante beach seafront promenade a undertaking designed by another celebrated designer, Oriol Bohigas was besides constructed during this period and made the beach, which was the location most frequented by visitants, much more attractive and accessible. Because a famine of well-trained staff was by and large considered to hold contributed to the Spanish touristry crisis, regional governments created a Tourism Training Centre in Benidorm to better the makings of touristry professionals. This Centre was the first in a web of regional Centres. 4.2. Phase 2. A new expansive stage ( 1994-2001 ) With the betterment in the economic system in Western Europe and the devaluation of the peseta, a period of recovery began in 1994. Both nationally and regionally, this stage was characterised by turning grosss, more nightlong corsets and increased tourer disbursement. Locally, the recovery was reflected in the figure of nightlong corsets of foreign visitants, peculiarly British tourers, which exhibited an addition of 58 % by 2001, although the entire figure of nightlong corsets increased by merely 15 % due to the lessening in the figure of nightlong corsets of Spanish visitants. This period was characterised by tenancy rates of about 95 % in 2000 and 2001. The entire figure of hotel beds remained stable. However, there was a progressive decrease in the figure of lower rated constitutions, and companies began to put in upgrading the categorization of their hotels. This tendency was favoured at the regional degree by a new ordinance that introduced a categorization system based on fulfillment of specific proficient demands. The regulative purpose was to do the construction of the sector more crystalline and diminish the figure of little guesthouses either by shuting them or reclassifying them into different classs. Tourism policies during this period were characterised by new public works undertakings to make urban landmarks and better public infinites that reinforced the image of a quality Sun and sand finish. A major investing during this stage was the state-financed redevelopment of the seafront promenade along the Levante beach, which was completed in 1996. However, a extremist alteration in policy besides occurred during the 1990s, which involved the creative activity of an urban leisure and diversion country that was separate from the town itself. Therefore, the regional authorities financed a major subject park that opened in 2000. The park was described as a redevelopment of the tourer finish intended to pull new demand sections to Benidorm and the environing country. The new park was located outside the town of Benidorm, associated with beaches and urban infinites, and generated a separate urban growing procedure. Apart from the inquiry of belongings guess, the determination to construct outside preexistent constructions was influenced by the thought that subject Parkss made tourer finishs more competitory, and the building of the new park was viewed as the drive force for a new stage in the development of Benidorm. Therefore, the Particular Master Plan for Uses and Infrastructures Theme Park Area Benidorm-Finestrat approved in 19 98 by the Regional Department of Public Works, Urban Planning and Transport non merely created a macrostructure that focused on themed leisure but besides at the same time introduced new activities, such as golf, and favoured the building of hotel and residential adjustment. Although after a decennary, the result was dissatisfactory, the park contributed to the development of a new leisure country and residential places outside of the town ( Vera A ; Banos, 2010 ) . However, regional touristry policies that supported the modernizat
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