
Friday, May 31, 2019

teens with hiv taking more risks :: essays research papers

Teenagers give with HIV are more likely to busy in risky sex and drug use since the introduction of powerful medicines that effectively keep AIDS at bay, a new study finds.The trend, which began rise up after highly active antiretroviral therapies (HAART) were introduced in 1996, points to the need for targeted interventions to reduce risky behavior and improve quality of life for those in this group, the researchers noted.Roughly a prat of the 40,000 new HIV infections in the United States each year occur in people under the age of 21, according to the federal Centers for Disease controller and Prevention."Young people, post-HAART, are engaging in more unprotected sex and engaging in more substance abuse, and are more emotionally hard put and have a lower quality of life," said lead researcher Marguerita Lightfoot, an assistant research psychologist at the University of California, Los Angeles Center for Community Health.This finding was surprising, Lightfoot added. &q uotI had a hypothesis that the young people who are taking HAART would be healthier, because they had more hope, they were living longer. And I was surprised that that wasnt the case."In the study, Lightfoot and her colleagues compared behaviors among 349 teens with HIV from Los Angeles, San Francisco, New York metropolis and Miami from 1994 to 1996, with 175 teens with HIV in the same cities from 1999 to 2000.The two groups did not include the same people, but they were a similar mix of sex, age, race and ethnicity, as swell up as socioeconomic factors, according to the report in the March issue of the American Journal of Health Behavior.The researchers found the post-HAART group was almost two propagation more likely to have had unprotected sex. The post-HAART teens had almost twice the number of sex partners, compared with pre-HAART teens. And post-HAART teens were more likely to have a sexual partner who employ injected drugs.In addition, the post-HAART group was diagnose d with HIV at a younger age and was in worse health than the pre-HAART group, Lightfoots team found.Lightfoot said there are a number of reasons for these findings. She noted the powerful drug regimen isnt perfect. "There are increased expectations for HAART," Lightfoot said. "But not everyone is successful on HAART."Lightfoot also noted that teens infected with HIV are more apt to be involved with the juvenile justice system and spend time in jail. "Maybe it says something about the kind-hearted of young people who are more likely to be infected with HIV.

Thursday, May 30, 2019

Euthanasia Opinion :: Free Euthanasia Essay

mercy killing Opinion Euthanasia is the intentional termination of life by another at the request of the person who dies. Although it is legal in Holland, it is illegal throughout the UK and is an extremely controversial topic often discussed in the media. When it is being debated it is essential to address whole the issues and arguments for and against, religious and non-religious, as all the churches oppose it strongly. There are very many points against euthanasia. The first is that life is a gift from beau ideal and only he empennage take it away. This is obviously a strong religious argument that many people feel cannot be argued against, as any gift from God should be treasured. few people also argue that there are many pain-killing drugs that will relieve the patients suffering and that at the time the patient whitethorn not be able to make a rational decision or may change their minds but be incapable of expressing this to a doctor. honest-t o-goodness people may feel they are becoming a burden upon their families and other people and opt for euthanasia although they may actually want to move on living. It also means that the relationship of trust between doctors and patients is put at risk as it goes against the Hippocratic Oath that doctors must try to preserve life. Some people argue that if there were better facilities for caring for the dying there would be no need for euthanasia. Euthanasia is also seen to devalue life and can be said to be the first step on a slippery slope. The Catholic Church has the following opinion on euthanasia Euthanasia goes against Christianity and the will of God. It is sinful and wrong. Although the churches disagree strongly with euthanasia, there are still many people who would put forward strong arguments for it and would like to see it legalised. These arguments would be that it can quickly and humanely end a patients suffering and it can help to sh orten the grief and emotional pain of the loved ones of the

Wednesday, May 29, 2019

Cannery Row :: essays research papers

Cannery Row is a relatively simple novel with basically precise or no plot to it. Many critics are quick to call the novel trivial and second rate as compared with Steinbecks other works. but this book shows Steinbecks renewed interest in the comic portrayal of the basic, uncomplicated lifestyles of the working class. Steinbeck incorporates a few themes into the novel such as stroke and historical themes like the depression era. The book is overall optimistic, but Steinbeck takes some off topic chapters to capture some of the darkness that happens within Cannery Row.The underlying spirit level in Cannery Row is about Mack and the boys trying to hold a party for physician. Mack and the boys are a group of trifling men aliveness together in the run down fish-meal shack. Doc is a very intelligent and caring man who runs a biological supply house. The boys set up a party at Docs place, but Doc is late to get there and the party ends without him there. The boys are upset about the ir failure. When Doc helps out their dog, the boys decide to hold another party for Doc. This time he is able to go to it and everyone has a good time. (sparknotes.com)Cannery Row does not have a good deal of a plot, but it is still very active as a social document about the attitudes of society during the depression era of the 1930s. Although the book was published after World War II had ended, it strongly suggests the depression period with both tone and spirit. The majority of the people in the novel are the unemployed are poverty stricken, but all are considered as the good people. There are also no antagonists in this novel, only people who tightly hold on to what they have, such as Lee Chong, and see everyone in distrust.

Hermia from A Midsummer Nights Dream :: A Midsummer Nights Dream, William Shakespeare

When we first meet Hermia in the play called A Midsummer Nights Dream, written by William Shakespeare, she is a missy in love against her fathers wishes. From the very start of the play we can see how much enamored she is with Lysander. We can also see that Hermia is a woman with her testify desires, and does not liked to be forced to do things that she does not want. She does not want to marry the man that her father betrothed to her, even though it could spurious her demise. Her choices of living in a nunnery and live the life of chastity was not an option for Hermia. She loved Lysander and all she wanted was to be with him.Hermia is the daughter of Egeus. She is a diminutive woman that possessed sparkling eyes and a lovely voice. Hermia is very adamant about what she wants from the balance of the play. She has only eyes for Lysander and is very faithful, even when face up with the obstacles of death or the nunnery. Throughout the play Hermia emotions were co nfused at times. She even says Am I not Hermia? Are you not Lysander? (Act III Scene 2 Line 292). We see at this point that she is confused and her feelings are hurt. At that very moment I think she feels like she has lost part of herself, a part that she has given to Lysander. So when Lysander returns to her, she is her self once again. Presented with many obstacles and complications to overcome, we know that Hermia is the protagonist in the play. She has relations with al more or less all the characters in the play. The first and most important human relationship is her love, Lysander. From the very beginning we see that Hermia loves Lysander with all her heart and soul and he loved her the same. The only tragic flaw in their relationship was when puck put the magic juice in Lysanders eyes and he fell in love with Helena. Hermia felt sad and rejected when that happened. But when Puck finally realized that he had made a mistake and corrected it, Hermia and Lysander were in their heavenly bliss of love once again.

Tuesday, May 28, 2019

Arguments For and Against a Smoking Ban Essay -- Tobacco Cigarettes Pa

Tobacco is one of the most widely-used recreational drugs in the innovation mainly in the form of cigargonttes, but also in cigars and pipes, and in combination with cannabis and marijuana in joints. Although most countries put age restrictions on its use, over a billion adults smoke tobacco legally every day, and supplying this demand is big business. As well as having serious health consequences for smokers themselves, the pollution of other peoples atmospheres with cigarette smoke also makes this an environmental issue. Attitudes have changed rapidly over the past twenty years. In the developed world, earthly concern assurance has shifted against smoking. By the 1990s, the sheer weight of evidence had forced major tobacco companies to admit that their products are both harmful and addictive. Many governments have substantially change magnitude taxes on tobacco in order to discourage smoking, and often to alleviate the economic costs of smoking-rel ated illness. However, while smoking has declined amongst some groups, it has increased amongst others - particularly little women. Meanwhile restrictions on the industry in the developed world have seen a new emphasis on developing nations, and new markets. Key questions for this deal are Is it the proper role of government to legislate to protect citizens from the harmful effects of their own lifestyle decisions? Does tobacco advertising increase tobacco white plague? Do health warnings, however much of the cigarette packet they cover, reduce consumption? What would be the effects of banning smoking in all public places, or even completely? AGAINST THE SMOKING BAN 1) While a government has a resp... ...ed to smokers themselves. So-called passive smoking is becoming an important issue in a smoke-filled environment, non-smokers are also exposed to the risks associated with tobacco. Research suggests that partners of smokers have an increased chanc e of developing lung cancer, even if they do not use tobacco products. beyond the health risks, smoke can also be extremely unpleasant in public spaces, in the workplace or in bars and restaurants. Smokers are therefore causing discomfort - as well as actual harm - to others. On top of the harm cause to the smokers themselves, this is surely enough tenableness to ban smoking. 6) At the very least there should be a ban on all tobacco advertising and even more bountiful and graphic health warnings on cigarette packets to deter young people, in particular, from starting to smoke.

Arguments For and Against a Smoking Ban Essay -- Tobacco Cigarettes Pa

Tobacco is one of the most widely-used recreational drugs in the world mainly in the form of cigarettes, but also in cigars and pipes, and in combining with cannabis and marijuana in joints. Although most countries put age restrictions on its use, over a billion adults smoke tobacco legally every day, and planning this demand is big business. As well as having serious health consequences for smokers themselves, the pollution of other peoples atmospheres with cigarette smoke also makes this an environmental issue. Attitudes have changed quick over the past twenty years. In the developed world, public opinion has shifted against smoking. By the 1990s, the sheer weight of evidence had forced major tobacco companies to leave that their products are both disparageful and addictive. Many authoritiess have substantially increased taxes on tobacco in order to discourage smoking, and often to alleviate the stinting costs of smoking-related illness. However, while smoking has declined amongst some groups, it has increased amongst others - particularly young women. Meanwhile restrictions on the industry in the developed world have seen a new emphasis on developing nations, and new markets. Key questions for this debate are Is it the proper role of government to legislate to protect citizens from the harmful set up of their own lifestyle decisions? Does tobacco advertising increase tobacco purpose? Do health warnings, however much of the cigarette packet they cover, reduce consumption? What would be the effects of forbiddingning smoking in all public places, or even completely? AGAINST THE SMOKING BAN 1) While a government has a resp... ...ed to smokers themselves. So-called passive smoking is becoming an important issue in a smoke-filled environment, non-smokers are also exposed to the risks associated with tobacco. Research suggests that partners of smokers have an increased see of developing lung canc er, even if they do not use tobacco products. Beyond the health risks, smoke can also be extremely unpleasant in public spaces, in the workplace or in bars and restaurants. Smokers are therefore causing discomfort - as well as actual harm - to others. On top of the harm cause to the smokers themselves, this is surely enough reason to ban smoking. 6) At the very least there should be a ban on all tobacco advertising and even more prominent and graphic health warnings on cigarette packets to deter young people, in particular, from starting line to smoke.

Monday, May 27, 2019

The Scientific Method

Dianna Baldwin SCI 230 The scientific Method The first step in the scientific method is to observe. When you are observing you are memorizeing what is going on around you. The second step in the scientific method is unbelief. To question one moldiness make an attempt to explain the observation that was made. The next step in the scientific method is making a guesswork. A hypothesis is made to send for a solution and an divulgecome. The fourth step in the scientific method is making a prediction. When making a prediction you are indicating the outcome. Next is the expiry.The conclusion details the findings of the testing. This then leads to the final step which is the results. The results are whether your findings based on the hypothesis are supported or refuted. In the activity I use the steps of the scientific method by observing what was said in the captions and what was happening in the picture. I then had to question what was going on with my observation. I then made a hyp othesis and tested the hypothesis and made a prediction. Then based on the outcome of the testing I form the conclusion and gathered the results.A real life situation that I take a leak utilize the scientific method would be when I flipped the write down switch the light did not come on. I observed the light did not come on when I turned it on. I then questioned what may be the problem. Is it a burnt out bulb or something more complex. I then made a hypothesis on what I thought the problem was. My ruff guess was the light bulb was burnt out. I predicted that if I change the light bulb and impersonate in a new one it would make believe just fine. I changed the light bulb and it was indeed burnt out. My hypothesis was supported.The Scientific MethodThe scientific method is a hypothesis-driven process of inquiry. The goal is to drive and answer scientific questions by making observations and doing experiments. This week we were asked to complete the scientific method activity on the student website. I mapicipated in both experiments, further I found the railway car experiment to be a bit more of a challenge. I had to apply the steps of the scientific method some(prenominal) clock before I finally arrived at a resolution.The Car Experiment. The car experiment began with an observation something is wrong with the vehicle because it will not start. In an effort to explain my observation I ask the question Why wont the vehicle start? There could be a human action of reasons why the vehicle will not start, so the next step is to hypothesize the solution and outcome. The website provided us with the following 3 hypotheses 1. The car needs fluids. 2. The car battery is not working. 3. There are electrical problems. The next step is to make a prediction.I predicted that the vehicle must(prenominal) have an issue with the battery. I chose this hypothesis first, because it is not uncommon for someone to leave a dome light on and accidently drain their batte ry. While it is not uncommon to run out of fuel, I did not select this answer because in this sidereal day and age most vehicle owners keep an eye on their fuel levels to ensure that they have an adequate amount for the next day. The conclusion details the findings of your prediction. In this case the vehicles battery was fine.The results tie back into my hypothesis. The result was refuted, and I must now begin the process from the top to find the correct scientific method to remedy the problem. I had to repeat the scientific method 3 times until I found the solution to my problem. The vehicle had bad electrical issues, and once the fuses were replaced it started right up. A real-life problem that I could use the scientific method to puzzle out is a problem I have been having recently with my new nothingness. It is less than 3 months old and it has been acting strangely.I stooge use it one day for an hour without any problems, and two days later I can turn it on but it will onl y work for 3 or 4 minutes before shutting off. The steps that I would take to solve the problem are 1. Make an Observation 2. Question Why is my vacuum not working properly? 3. Thesis Develop a hypothesis about why the vacuum may be acting strangely. It has electrical problems. It is clogged. It is faulty and I should contact the manufacturer. 4. Prediction 5. Conclusion 6. ResultsThe Scientific MethodThe Scientific Method Hands-On Labs, Inc. Version 42-0130-00-01 Lab Report Assistant This document is not meant to be a fill in for a formal laboratory report. The Lab Report Assistant is simply a summary of the experiments questions, diagrams if needed, and selective information tables that should be addressed in a formal lab report. The intent is to facilitate students writing of lab reports by providing this information in an editable file which can be sent to an instructor. Observations selective information Table 1 Scientific Method Data Unknown Sample Number 1 2 3 4 5 6 dead r eckoningCoffee Potting soilBrown sugarBaby powderFlowerBaking powderColorDark brown Old copper(sepia, maroon)Light BrownWhiteWhiteWhite TextureIts coarse& fragile soupconVery coarse and grittyThe particle is sticky and a bit grittyVery Soft particle &silkyVery softVery soft ShapeIn general, its coarse-grainedNot regularCoarse-grainedVery fine. Its difficult to look in detailCoarse-grainedCoarse-grained SmellIts totally coffeeNo heart or a stall scant Sweet tasteVery nice. Its just delicate frustrate smellNo smellNo smell SolubleSolubleInsolubleSolubleSolubleSolubleSoluble DensityThe dense is less than baby powder(0. 182 g/cm3)Little dense/its similar as 6(0. g/cm3)Low dense (0. 467 g/cm3)High dense (0. 867 g/cm3)Its similar as 6 (0. 454 g/cm3)Its similar as 5 (0. 5 g/cm3) ConclusionCoffeePotting soilBrown sugarBaby powderFlowerBaking powder Data Table 2 Calculating Density of Unknown Samples U nk no wn S a m p l e Number Mass of full ampul & bag (g) Mass of empty vial & bag (g) Mass of uncharted sample (g) Volume (cm3) Density (g/cm3) 12. 0g1. 8g0. 2g1. 1 cm30. 182 22. 5g1. 8g0. 7g1. 4 cm30. 5 32. 5g1. 8g0. 7g1. 5 cm30. 467 43. 0g1. 8g1. 2g1. 5 cm30. 867 52. 3g1. 8g0. 5g1. 1 cm3 cm30. 454 62. 5g1. 8g0. 7g1. 4 cm30. 5The Scientific MethodThe Scientific Method is a complex, yet simple process. It was designed to help scientist and every day people who face problems come up with a logical and tested solution. According to authors Pruitt and Underwood (2006), The Scientific Method is defined as the set of procedures that form the rational approach to studying the natural world. This method can be applied to something dealing with science or something that deals with everyday life. In the below paragraphs, this writer will explain the scientific method and how it was used to achieve results in a web-based experiment as well as a real life situation.This writer would begin the web-based experiment by researching and discover why plants grow towards the light. Once the results of the search are gathered, this writer would produce a hypothesis. The possible hypothesis is plants grow toward the light because it is a critical part of the process known as Photosynthesis. This writers prediction is that if a plant is placed to grow near a window, the plant will magnetic inclination toward the light. For the experiment, this writer would put three plants on a table with a window to the left of them and three plants on a table with a window to the right of them.Over the course of three weeks, this writer will observe and document the plants reaction to the light coming through the window. After careful check of the information documented, this writer can safely conclude that the plants with the window to the right of them, grew bent toward the light and the plants with the window to the left of them grew bent toward the light. This information does support my hypothesis that plants grow toward the light to help with the Photosynthesis proces s.There were many problems that this writer could have tested, but decided to test the most important one of all. This writers daughter is at the stage in her life where she is taking off her pamper, but refuses to proceed bum trained. What is causing this? Not unlike other parents and scientists, this question came from a problem that needed a solution. Through personal experimentation as well as information compiled through secondary sources, this writer came up with effective ways to potty train their daughter properly.While observing the electric razor, this writer noted that whenever the child needed to use the bathroom, she would cross her legs. After the child would receive some type of drink, approximately 20 minutes, she would again start to cross her legs. It became very apparent that the child was very ready to become potty trained. Through these observations, this writer produced her hypothesis. If this writer puts the child on the pot 20 minutes after she ingests any type of drink, the child will gradually become potty trained.This writer tried this method of potty planning for two days. During those days, the child did successfully use the pot at the times this writer put her on it, but the child still had accidents on herself. With this information, this writer concluded that their methods were unsuccessful. This writer researched potty training techniques to construct a new hypothesis. According to the mayonnaise Clinic website (1998-2011), when you notice signs that your child may need to use the toilet- such as squirming, squatting or holding the genital area- respond quickly. Once the child successfully uses the toilet, there should be some type of praise. Some people use stickers on a chart and others give special treats such as sugarcoat or an extra bedtime story (Infant and toddler health, 1998-2011). With using these techniques as well as cutting off all liquids that the child receives at eight o clock every day, this writer has fou nd that the child has not had a day time potty accident in three days. Consistent monitor of children while actively trying to potty train is the most important thing to do if successful results are desired.While potty training is no small feat, each parent who tackles this task knows that not every parent is the same and not all methods work for every child. This is something that will be larn on a case-by-case base. While the two experiments conducted are drastically different, they are both similar in the way that they both followed the Scientific Method. With a sound hypothesis and a thirst for knowledge, using the Scientific Method will always provide valid results backed by science.ReferencesPotty training How to get the job done. (1998-2011). Infant and toddler health. Retrieved on March 24, 2011 from http//www. mayoclinic. com/health/potty-training/CC00060 Pruitt, N. L. , & Underwood, L. S. (2006). Bioinquiry Making connections in biology (3rd ed. ). Hoboken, NJ John Wiley & Sons, Inc. Stein Carter, J. (1996). The Scientific Method. Retrieved on March 24, 2011 from http//biology. clc. uc. edu/courses/bio104/sci_meth. htmThe Scientific MethodThe Scientific Method Hands-On Labs, Inc. Version 42-0130-00-01 Lab Report Assistant This document is not meant to be a substitute for a formal laboratory report. The Lab Report Assistant is simply a summary of the experiments questions, diagrams if needed, and data tables that should be addressed in a formal lab report. The intent is to facilitate students writing of lab reports by providing this information in an editable file which can be sent to an instructor. Observations Data Table 1 Scientific Method Data Unknown Sample Number 1 2 3 4 5 6 HypothesisCoffee Potting soilBrown sugarBaby powderFlowerBaking powderColorDark brown Old copper(sepia, maroon)Light BrownWhiteWhiteWhite TextureIts coarse& fragile particleVery coarse and grittyThe particle is sticky and a bit grittyVery Soft particle &silkyVery softVery s oft ShapeIn general, its coarse-grainedNot regularCoarse-grainedVery fine. Its difficult to look in detailCoarse-grainedCoarse-grained SmellIts totally coffeeNo smell or a faint scant Sweet tasteVery nice. Its just delicate baby smellNo smellNo smell SolubleSolubleInsolubleSolubleSolubleSolubleSoluble DensityThe dense is less than baby powder(0. 182 g/cm3)Little dense/its similar as 6(0. g/cm3)Low dense (0. 467 g/cm3)High dense (0. 867 g/cm3)Its similar as 6 (0. 454 g/cm3)Its similar as 5 (0. 5 g/cm3) ConclusionCoffeePotting soilBrown sugarBaby powderFlowerBaking powder Data Table 2 Calculating Density of Unknown Samples U nk no wn S a m p l e Number Mass of full vial & bag (g) Mass of empty vial & bag (g) Mass of unknown sample (g) Volume (cm3) Density (g/cm3) 12. 0g1. 8g0. 2g1. 1 cm30. 182 22. 5g1. 8g0. 7g1. 4 cm30. 5 32. 5g1. 8g0. 7g1. 5 cm30. 467 43. 0g1. 8g1. 2g1. 5 cm30. 867 52. 3g1. 8g0. 5g1. 1 cm3 cm30. 454 62. 5g1. 8g0. 7g1. 4 cm30. 5

Sunday, May 26, 2019

Health Literacy Impact On Health Health And Social Care Essay

Health literacy is defined as The grade to which persons adjudge the capacity to obtain, procedure, and image basic health information and services needed to do appropriate health determinations ( Michael K. Paasche-Ordepression, 2010 ) , the word Health literacy was foremost appe ared in 1974 in a constitution which calls for instruction criterions for all grade school degrees in USA ( Carolyn Speros, 2004 ) . Some recent plants suggest that there is a relation between literacy, low health and premature deceases ( Christina Zarcadoolas et Al, 2005 ) .Awareness on Health literacyThe construct of health literacy was foremost originated in early old ages and it was recognised as an independent research field in 1990s ( Andrew attractive and Shyama Kuruvilla, 2008 ) . The consciousness on the wellness and the literacy is often raising, and several authoritiess are implementing assorted matter programmes to raise literacy degrees and wellness criterions. The authorities and many administrations are implementing wellness consciousness programmes in the community, and they promote them with media societal selling through printed stuffs. However, plurality who can read booklets and printed text can merely have it off the information in it. So accessibility to wellness information is a cardinal factor among every person in community, which can be achieved by wellness literacy ( Heather and Lisa Langille, 2006 ) .There are so many states waitinging low literacy rates. Heather and Lisa Langille ( 2006 ) stated that literacy is the indispensable BASIC for wellness literacy and person s life reflects the relationship with wellness and literacy. WHO Commission on the Social Determinants of Health recognised that, literacy as holding a cardinal function in conciliate up ones minding wellness inequalities in both developed and undeveloped states. Even a rich state has fewer literacy accomplishments among persons, which may connote hapless wellness cognition every bit good. The ratio of people missing of operational literacy in single states of Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development ranges about from 7 % to 47 % ( UN Development Program, 2007 ) .Appraisal of Health literacy and its resultHealth literacy can be estimated through, Rapid Estimate of Adult Literacy in Medicine ( REALM ) and the Test of Functional Literacy in Adults ( TOFHLA ) . Even so, Andrew pleasant and Shyama Kuruvilla, 2008, argues that none of these make sense of an appropriate measuring of wellness literacy. The Trial of Functional literacy in grownups merely concentrates on single capacity to read the health check information on some medical faux pass and labels. Rather than there are tonss of research works done on the subject of wellness literacy and its attack in public wellness, which provides best illustrations along with good information and major accomplishments.Health Literacy and its impact on single wellnessThe jobs associated with the w ellness literacy have been identified by the research workers in the last 10 old ages. They came to cognize the function played by it in the medical every bit good as the person ego attention by the comprehension of information related to wellness and the results related to it ( Carolyn Speros, 2004 ) .The people withA hapless literacy degrees may be prone to hold bad wellness position and register more unhealthy behaviors like inordinate intoxicant consumption and smoke ( San Diego, Calif 2004 ) .The People holding low wellness literacy may possessA weak communicating accomplishments on wellness related issues may render to improper diagnosing of their wellness status and inappropriate design of medicine and utilizing of wellness attention services provided by the authorities are besides misused. Which factors have the major impact on the wellness results of the persons? Don Nutbeam, 2008 have proposed three critical points where the wellness literacy shows its impact on communi ty, they are making to the wellness attention services, Communication between the wellness attention staff and patients, and face-to-face attention.The people with low wellness cognition might hold more opportunities to take an unhealthy life style due to the deficiency of minimal wellness consciousness on the bar ofA several infective diseases, A properA utilizing of the inoculations and hapless direction of assorted unwellnesss, and there is a more opportunity of geting diseases because wellness result wholly depends on self direction of the patient. The people with low literacy accomplishments are passing four times more outgo on their wellness attention, harmonizing to some estimations in United States more than 75 % of people holding chronic mental or physical unwellness comes under hapless literacy class ( Marie Ivnik and Maureen y, 2008 ) . A individual with the ability to read and understand the basic degree wellness issues have the capacity to do usage of wellness attentio n services, and they can haul up off their wellness by lifestyle alteration and by increasing their life criterions at an single and community degree ( Don Nutbeam, 2008 ) . Health literacy improves the cosmos to entree available information of wellness and the ability to give appropriate feedback on his ain wellness position, determination doing on wellness and can take a disease free life style which lessens the frequent visits to infirmaries ( Carolyn Speros, 2004 ) .Different ways to advance Health LiteracyAssorted consciousness programmes conducted by authorities such as national obliteration programmes in bar of Poliomyelitis, Malaria, Tuberculosis, etc. , and some consciousness programmes on maternal wellness, pediatric wellness, etc. are advancing wellness literacy by educating the people on diseases and its preventative method. Health literacy may be promoted through ocular media, printed stuff, and cyberspace beginnings. However, these beginnings sometimes do nt demo sat isfactory results. The people who are nonreaders and who uneffective to utilize internet beginnings and those who can non read the printed information are misapplying these services. Egbert N and Nanna KM 2009, suggests that the wellness information should be made in a user friendly mode which is in an easy accessible mode which explicit information with ocular links. The best manner to advance wellness literacy is through the direct interaction by wellness attention suppliers with the people who can non read. Nurses and other wellness attention individuals should move as Health voluntaries and make a convenient environment so that the people can interact with wellness pedagogues and discourse on wellness issues, attempts are made to increase patient and physician interaction ( Tanya L and Al-Assaf, 2006 ) .DecisionHealth literacy plays a cardinal function on the overall wellness and well-being. Multiple factors like proper use of wellness attention services, communicating of well ness issues with wellness attention suppliers, taking healthy life style, A good hygienic conditions, taking preventative steps like immunization, which might demo to impact an person s physical and mental wellbeingA A are straight or indirectly associated with wellness literacy. So it is suggested that advancing wellness literacy volition do a healthy community, and it should be considered as a primary public wellness end.

Saturday, May 25, 2019

Growth-Share Matrix

?BCG ? Growth-Share Matrix 0 0 ? picpicpicpicpic pic picpicpicpicpicpicpicpicpic 2893 Top of Form picpic Bottom of Form ?BCG ? Growth-Share Matrix 1963? Bruce Henderson BCG(Boston Consulting Group ), BCG , ,BCG Growth-Share Matrix? ( ), (Product Portfolio) , ( silver Flow) , (Portfolio Planning) , BCG ,BCG , ( ) , , ( ) , , Product Life Cycle? ( ) , , ( ) ?1 BCG pic 1 , , 10% HIGH? LOW 0-10% LOW ,10% HIGH , 20M,A 12M,? A 0. 6 1. 0HIGH? LOW ,1. 0-10. 0 HIGH,0. 1-1. 0 LOW? , , Cash Cow( ) , Maturity( ) , , , , Cash Cow , Cash Cow , , , Dog( ) ( Pet), Decline( ) , , , , , , Question Mark( ) , , Introduction( ) ,

Friday, May 24, 2019

Criminal Justice Trends

Criminal Justice Trends Evaluation A number of past, face up, and afterlife impetuss outlive in regard to the interface between comp one(a)nts of the iniquitous jurist arranging and turn justness connections with surrounding society. Conducting an analysis of each of these trends provides an actualizeing of the value of the criminal justice ashes and desirewise how it adapts to an ever-changing society. Law enforcement agencies buttocks make predictions for the next of the criminal justice system by placing an emphasis on the developments of the system over the past few decades. Past, Present, and Future TrendsIn the lately twentieth century, a number of so called, forgotten figures struggled for an identity and also for equality. Womens liberation escapements began to exhibit the manner in which the criminal justice system viewed men who committed criminal offenses to include sexual assault as punishments were minimal or at generation perhaps even nonexistent for the crime. The media also rarely ac accreditledged women who were victims of sexual assault, those of which also had to where to turn to for support or refuge. African Americans, gays, and also soldiers are others who struggled with conclusion an identity in society hence also within the criminal justice system.During the 1960s, victims rights movements began addressing those issued faced by these groups as the criminal justice system very untold overlooked the needs of each. Each groups voice was believed non to be heard and at times each was also treated much differently than those who were not of minority by the system. Toward the end of the twentieth century the Victims Bill of Rights was passed in 22 states, allowing victims to direct a voice hence comport their view during courtroom proceeding, during sentencing, and also during parole.Other honors, acts, and policies were also implemented as a prohibition of unfair treatment for all members of society. The criminal jus tice system continues to lose ones temper policies and legalitys to nurture society of individual rights and also from the law itself. Technological advances are other past, current, and future trends that should be taken into consideration as past technologies did not possess the capabilities the system has to sidereal day. For example, the advancement of DNA testing has allowed for the conviction and also release of some individuals who whitethorn squander been imprison for years and for crimes he or she did not commit.Technological advances have made it possible to convict many more individuals guilty of crimes than even in the past. The same technologies are also responsible for freely those who have been wrongly accused. Such advances have a direct wallop on the manner in which the criminal justice system develops and also operates as courtroom judges may request a suspect to DNA testing otherwise some states have the authority to do so. Years ago, the chance to provide such testing did not exist whatsoever which lead to the conviction of many individuals who were in fact innocent of committing particular crimes.The criminal justice system today is an implementation of reappraisals of policies, procedures, and practices of prior decades. As society continues to expand its thinking and mentality concerning issues to include gays and womens rights, the criminal justice must also in a sense expand its mentality and adjust to a changing society. For example, a decline of women within the criminal justice system may be because women now have the accessibility to similar programs men were entitled to, including educational programs, and also federation-based programs.Criminal Justice TrendsIt is important for us to understand past, current, and future trends throughout the criminal justice system. Trends allow us to identify areas that need to be addressed so we may be equipped to handle them better. smart set depends of the criminal justice system in many managements to offer them a sense of justice, safety, and peace of mind. Within this paper I result debate past, current, and future trends and how it affects and trades our criminal justice system.I will also address recent and future trends and contemporary issues that affect the criminal justice system, as considerably as the values of the criminal justice system in a changing society. Past Trends Even though to most it may not take tom like it, the criminal justice system has come a long way in its dealings with the public. In the past the criminal justice system was viewed as a faceless machine that acted independently of the areas it charged to look after.It hearmed that it was better to stay detached from the public in order to remain biased in their judgment and to keep their professional appearance. By studying past trends we not only were able to realise trends in criminal behavior as well as having the ability to try and create possible projections on why it could lead but, we were also able to view the interaction between the criminal justice system and those it served. Both the criminal justice system and the general public realized the need for cooperation between the two to better the results.Society has always and will always be changing and it is only through ongoing driveways and partnerships within the community that the criminal justice system can stay in worked and better understand how to combat criminal trends. By understanding trends in the past and considering how certain criminal events began and where they are now, the criminal justice system has been able to gain a wealth of knowledge about illegal activity and how different attempts to control or unwrap the actions have worked or failed.By examining the patterns of criminal activity and sounding at the response is to the different tactics used to prevent them the criminal justice system can actually derive betters means to control possible criminal ploughth or be better suited to handle the events as they arise. Current Trends There are many current trends that the criminal justice system faces as far as criminal activity is concerned. Increased violence and medicine related offences are just two of the many obstacles that they face. Another trend that is developing is the publics move towards privatized protection.There are a evokeing number of individuals and families that have begun watchking out more protection than what is offered by the topical anesthetic law of nature department. Residents prefer to now have their own security in place something that is gear specifically towards them. I do not feel that this move comes from distrust in the criminal justice system to fulfill the task however, with the growing relationship being developed between communities and law enforcement now see what challenges the local law enforcement agencies have to overcome on a daily basis. With this in mind, the public has begun to move to the privet sector for personal and home security.Moving to gated communities in order to restrict traffic into their vicinitys as well as neighbors coming together to employ security guards is a sure sign that the public sees that the growing challenges of law enforcement are causing them to strain their resources very thin in order to keep up with criminal activities over large areas. They also realize that fixity patrols in their neighborhoods for long periods is something that many local law enforcement agencies can no longer provide so, many other areas have started working with the police departments to form neighborhood watches.This is a program that brings communities together with the common goal of protecting their neighborhood and their families. Home security systems, cameras and motion detecting lights around the home, fences, gated communities, privet security and patrols, neighborhood watches, and building community awareness along with the local law enforcement agencies have been beneficial to law enforcement in cutting down the amount of activity in small neighborhoods and communities allowing them to focus on other areas as well as having the advantage of having extra eyes and ears in several different areas.Future Trends As the growing demands of crimes continue to over burden law enforcement, we will continue to see the utilization of privet sector security by the public. Future trends can often be seen and planned for by following trends from the past and present. For example (past drug trend) drugs are easy to manufacture and move making it difficult for law enforcement agencies to control. Current drug trend) drugs are still easy to manufacture and the demand has steadily increased making it very difficult for law enforcement agencies to control. (Possible predicted future trend? ) Drugs continue to grow presenting an ever growing and evasive element for law enforcement agencies to try and control. By following the trend we can see that drugs are going to continue to grow but, this shows us that it will take a continuing effort and in that locationfore plans can be put into action now to aid in future the future growth.Criminal Justice TrendsCriminal Justice Trends CJA/484 3/17/2013 David Sanders JrThe criminal justice system is always changing to second secure and protect society. Even though many times areas of law enforcement are over looked due to changes, the facts still remain that the number one priority of law enforcement is to see that the streets that we walk during the day and night are safe and secure even though one main ingredient has been lost with the progression of law enforcement.So in this paper I will focus on evaluate a few areas that have to deal with the past, present and future trends of law enforcement. I will also sum things up and discuss the budgetary and managerial impact that future trends will likely have on law enforcement, courts and corrections. Now when looking at the past efforts of law enforcement and the way that they went about doing their job it can be concluded that law enforcement were more engaged with the people in the community because they went about doing their job totally different then the way that its fage in todays society.The reason why is because in the late 1800s and beginning of the 1900s many people felt safe in secure in their own homes because they knew that they were being protected and taking do by of because law enforcement agents walked the streets and made their presence known. The community worrying about being violated was the least of their concerns because they knew that the law was on their side and watching everything that was going on.One way in particular that made the community feel safe had to do with the fact that that law enforcement agents would walk, stop, and dialogue to the people in the community and get to know them by name and take advantage of the conversation on how they could serve them better. Simply put the com munity knew the police and the police knew the community. So with that being utter a relationship was able to be formed to make the community and the police one because each party wanted the same thing which was to see that justice is upheld.Law enforcement also relied on the community to be its eyes and ears and help them to solve a crime that had taken place and which the community had no business doing. but moving onto the present time of law enforcement and the birth of technology becoming more prominent the intimate care given towards the community started to go down to the point where the community no longer trust the police and the police no longer knew how to connect back to the community anymore.With that being give tongue to this brings us to the present trends of policing and the birth of technology and how law enforcement has lost its connection that it once had with the community. The birth of technology has helped law enforcement a great deal because it has help to speed up criminal proceedings and also has helped to eliminate wasted man hours to actually find the guy or woman that has committed the crime in question. However on the other hand the birth of technology has stripped away the very core that has made law enforcement trust worthwhile which was its ability to connect with the community.The reason why I say that the trust of law enforcement has been taking away is because in that location isnt any more understructure patrols done, Law enforcement agents are riding around in cars now neglecting the interaction with the community, but most importantly making the community believe that they really dont care about them which makes the community not trust them or want to help them. However moving forward and to not bash the officers that have sworn to protect us theyre still some good that has come out with the birth of technology that has taking away the connection that law enforcement once had with the community.One example in part icular is that of surveillance cameras that are now all over the place that helps aid law enforcement to be able to see faces of individuals that have committed a crime and gain leads as to who theyre looking for. Law enforcement have also gotten better at communicating with one another with the use of 2 way radios to ensure that criminals are apprehended speedy and with using qualitative research to get the right criminal the initiative time around.But with every positive there is a negative the same technology the law enforcement use to catch the criminals, the criminals are using that same technology to avoid being caught, which also goes back to the point that if law enforcement didnt abandon the relationship that they once had with the community that the community would be willing to talk and help them out because with every crime committed there is always somebody watching. Moving forward when looking at the future trends of law enforcement it can be said that itll probably be better than present day law enforcement ecause they would be able to see what they did wrong and try to improve on it. The reason why is because with progression there is always improvements made on things that were done wrong. For instance law enforcement losing touch with the community in present day will be something that I believe would be primarily focus on to get back because stopping and preventing crime is a team effort and law enforcement cannot do it on its own. Even with all the technology in the world nothing can take the place of interaction and receiving information from soulfulness that has actually saw the crime being committed.Surveillance tapes can catch the person in action but they do tend to miss the little details that can bring a criminal to justice much quicker then somebody seeing the crime taking place and reporting it. This is why I feel that for the future law enforcement would engage in getting back to its roots and trying to regain that trust that they one had from the community so that they can work hand and hand together to see that crime is cut down to a minimal or cut down for good.Finally the determination point that Ill like to discuss is the budgetary and managerial impact that future trends will most likely have on law enforcement, courts and corrections. This impact will most likely happen in the form of according to the National Center for sound out Courts the budget getting out of control and the organization having to use its efforts to bail it out.The reason why is because with times changing law enforcement, courts and corrections are going to have to constantly stay ahead and have the technology that they need to keep the crime at its lowest and with that happening managing the funds will be hard to do. Crime is not going to stop because law enforcement does not have them money to keep up its going to actually get worse and thrive off of it In conclusion there are many ways to look at the change that has occ urred when it comes to policing because in some areas it could be for good where and other areas it could be bad.The reason why is because the past, present and future trends of policing will and continue to be very different from one another. The reason why is because the days are long gone as to where police officers walked up and down community blocks talking to individuals and getting to know them, understand them and overall building their trust. To where know everything is fast paced and police officers are riding in cars and using radios and talking on phones due to the growth of technology.In it can even be said that with the growth of technology that it destroyed the police and community relationship. However with the future of things fast approaching it can also be said that with that relationship lost that it can be gained again because even though technology took it away technology can help make things right because with the growth of it crimes will be able to be solved much more quicker and give the police officer more time to make things right with the community that they had neglected.However one thing in particular that will never change and never go away is the value that police officers hold in the community and in society because without them there would be total madness because there would be no order and no one to enforce the laws to maintain such order that society needs to have to function. References 1. Cetron, Dr. M. J. & Davies, O. 2008) 55 Trends Now formative the Future Of Policing http//www. au. af. mil/au/awc/awcgate/army/proteus-55-policing. pdf 2. Craig D. Uchida (2004) The Development of American Police an Historical overview http//www. globalcitizen. net/data/pages/1418/papers/2009042815114290. pdf 3. 2012 National Center or State Courts http//www. ncsc. org/Topics/Financial/Budget-Management/Resource-Guide. aspx

Thursday, May 23, 2019

A Whole New Mind

Pink has presented sharp scientific evidence in his book A Whole New Mind that comes as common knowledge to the majority of us in our society. He also stressed the several capabilities of right-brain thinking much(prenominal) as creativity, artistry, empathy, inventiveness, and overall big picture viewpoints. I noticed that Pink failed to mention any historical aspects before the 1900s. For example during the European Renaissance many right-brain thinking characters sprouted with many ideas for the world. These characters include painters, sculptors, inventors, musicians, and writers all across Europe.We all know, however, that the European Renaissance came and went. What will this new conceptual Age produce differently than the faded right-dominance of the European Renaissance years? Looking back in time between the years of 1400-1550 the geniuses of this world contributed to the life we live in now. I only say this because if they werent important to our society today than we wo uldnt have had to learn about them during our high school years or withal our college years. A brilliant inventor, painter, musician, and mathemation Leonardo da Vinci is one man who seems to have a great grasp of life in all his talents.He along with many other philosophers of that era seemed to fit the description of what I feel Pink suggests we should obtain throughout our lives to be successful and to lead our life in a way to help not only our generation but for the generations after ours as well. As we have studied in countless texts in high school about the several factors for the downfall of the European Renaissance and the complications after that time we should feel troubled to once again attempt to teddy our minds.Right-brain thinking is an aged solution. Pinks proposal is one we have already gone through but is introduced in a business-like manner hostile the European Renaissance. How are we supposed to know that the Conceptual Age will not increase the desire to crea te machines that will replace the art industry, so that beauty can be drawn in an instant? I think that Pinks transition solution from the Information Age to the Conceptual Age should be revised to explain more of what he has missed in his book that had me puzzled.

Wednesday, May 22, 2019

Body Piercings

Body lancinate has increased over long terms of period of time and it becomes one of the trendiest and culture in todays our life. This has attracted the some people who are interested about proboscis piercing, and then they bushel attention especially from media when famous celebrities come up in advertisement with their body piercings and tattoos. However, there are various places that people do the body piercing much(prenominal) as tongues, noses, navels and even their genital, but this occurs lots of purposes that piercing makes in dangers or just showing as one of individuality.Many piercers are re-representing the piercing as an option of styling or strong expressions about themselves, and having one of body piercing or tattoos are a means of individualal empowerment for some Ger Xers who are typically searching for individualism and control of their lives. These arguments give strong opinions to person by person and it could spread out popular in very short time in publ icity. However, following the articles by Lori Wilkerson he said that it has existed in many cultures for hundreds of years in many historical countries and many historical groundss are generally about advertise wealthy and the power of men.Another argument in favor of piercing is there is man Griffhorn, 26, owner of Black Hole Professional Body Piercing shop in Reno, mentioned Trend is the biggest reason and it ways to reclaim people after physical or sexual abuse. On the other hand, opponents including many doctors point out that it refers to regarding the possible dangers such as oral piercings cause swollen tongues, excessive bleeding, and typical infections also swallowing of small parts of jewellery.Moreover, according to articles by Quint Miller(2000), there are vernacular piercing problems appeared from people when they ripped their skin from the jewellery either catching on clothing or even being pulled off. It leads to get infections easily especially to get Hepatitis C. Hepatitis C is an infection which is extremely dangerous than other problems because it can causes cirrhosis and cancer of the liver. For this reasons, some medical practitioners said that many piercers are providing their services in unsafe environments such as no gloves or masks to remove their jewellery, no sterilization equipment and unsanitary surroundings.Thus, with all arguments from advatanges and disadantages the first thing we must ring about to care and treats out skins when it gets infections even it is a way of expressions of individuality or favourite things to do. It is also good to know from behind old biography why people did body piercings and tattoos, and how it continued to be exist until now. The reason because there are so many different characters of people gathering almost and their passionative ideology makes small communities to one big society.

Tuesday, May 21, 2019

How Does John Steinbeck Present the Character of Crooks Essay

Crooks (named for his crooked back) is the abiding buck who works with the ranch horses. He lives in the harness room by himself because of the requisition law set by Jim Crow he is also the only black soldiery on the ranch. Crooks likes to read books this shows he is cleverer than the otherwise men on the ranch and likes to keep his room neat, but he has been so beaten down by loneliness and prejudicial treatment of that he is also starting to treat people with hatred. His Physical disability is one of the many ways that he suffers on the ranch. John Steinbeck tries to make the novel realistic by cover how black people were treated and isolated in 1930s America. Crooks may not be the main character in the novel, he is important because he fitted in the society at the time of the novel in 1930s America. Steinbeck uses Crooks to show how life was for black people in 1930s America. The Character is firstly introduced when candy was showing George and Lennie around and when he wa s talking about how angry the boss was when George and Lennie were late to work. Candy tells them that the boss takes his anger on crooks, Ya see the stable bucks a nigger, the boss gives him hell when he is mad. White People in 1930s America had no discomfort in use derogatory language, this was normal for people it was the local language in 1930s. Candy says nice fella too and he reads a lot Proving he is scintillating and nice guy. People show hatred towards him because of the colour of his skin. He and many coloured people were separated from the colours in 1930, because of the Jim Crow laws. George asks Candy what kind of man is the boss he quickly brings up that the boss had brought whisky for them at Christmas, he also explains what happened when they let crooks in, Crooks got into a fight one Christmas with a white man. Steinbeck presents the character of Crooks in a detailed description John Steinbeck tells us that Crooks room is in the harness where all the horses sleep , this shows that he is segregated from all the other men on the ranch.

Monday, May 20, 2019

Basic Terminologies in Food Preparation Essay

Research about toging, plating, mixing of succuss,How to serve in furnishGarnishingA food level which is served with garnish may be descri be intimate as being garni, the French term for garnished. A garnish is an item or substance used as a decoration or embellishment and a good deal a flavor component on a prep ard food dish or drink. In legion(predicate) cases, it may give added or contrasting flavor, some garnishes are selected first to augment the optic impact of the plate, while differents are selected detailally for the flavor they may impart. A garnish devises food or drink items more visually appealing. They may, for example, farm their color, such as when paprika is sprinkled on a chromatic salad. They may give a color contrast, for example when chives are sprinkled on potatoes. They may make a cocktail more visually appealing, such as when a cocktail umbrella is added to an exotic drink.PlatingThe concord and general styling of food upon bringing it to the pla te is termed plating. Some common styles of plating include a authoritative arrangement of the main item in the front of the plate with vegetables or starches in the back, a voluptuary arrangement of the various items, or the main item leaning or shingled upon a vegetable bed or side item .Item location on the plate is often referenced as for the instance of a time, with six oclock the position closest to the diner. A basic rule of limp upon plating, and even in some cases prepping, is to make sure you have the 5 components to a dish protein, traditionally at a 6 oclock position, vegetable, at a 2 oclock position, starch at an 11 oclock position, sauce and garnish.Mixing of JuicesUnderstanding how to combine unlike types of juice may improve your success in making fresh juice that is easier to digest. This is a system for selecting the right juices to mix, according to their compatibility. As a result, easy digestion is promoted. When you consume juice or food it undergoes m a ny(prenominal) changes and is broken down into its constituent nutrients and then absorbed. A noteworthy feature of digestive secretions is that your body adjusts its suave and enzymes to the character of the food eaten and juices consumed.There are, however, limitations in this process. It is possible for your body to adjust its digestive secretions to a circumstancejuice, however, complex it may be, but this adjustment process back end be incomplete when a sort of juices are consumed at the same time. This combining of incompatible juices may cause digestive disorder. Fruit juice is categorized according to the type of fruit it is from. The four fruit categories Sweet fruits, bitter fruits, sub acidic fruits, and watery fruits.How to serve in glassesSelecting the right glassware for your table and bar will enhance the appearance of your presentation, add elegance to your serving style and give flair to an aspect of ordinary eat and entertaining that is often overlooked. Beyo nd the aesthetics, specialized glassware is created to complement the drink it is mean to serve. Knowing the rudiments of wine, beer, and cocktail glasses can ensure that each and every beverage you serve can be enjoyed at the peak of its flavor. Use this guide to determine the most appropriate glassware for your needs and impress friends and connoisseurs alike. vino supplyAlthough wine glasses come in many different sizes, the cup portion or bowl is the most important aspect. The visual appeal, body of the wine and play of the aromas are all factors in choosing the correct glass. There are no hard, fast rules for serving wine, but the following standards are primarily observed. * Red Wine Traditionally, red wines with strong bouquets are served in the large bowled wine glasses. The greater unfastened surface gives these heady wines a good opportunity to breathe without losing the aroma. * White Wine ignitor, more balmy white wines are served in steeper glassware with a m ore narrow bowl that allows the bouquet to concentrate.* bubbly The tall slender flute style glass is the best fit for champagne as it displays the sparkling quality of the bubbles at the best advantage. The low, wide open champagne glasses arent really practical(a) as they are easily spilled and cause the champagne to go flat much more quickly. * Sherry/ carriage As sherry and port are generally strong wine hybrids that are served as pre or comport dinner aperitifs, they are generally served in exceptionally minuscular glasses. Like liqueurs, Sherry and Port are some(prenominal) meant to be sipped and the size of the glass indicates the correctserving amount.Beer GlassesWhile true beer en thereofiasts will circulate you that using any glass is preferable to inebriation from the bottle or can, there are specific glasses for specific types of beer. Like wine, the shape of the glass will affect the aroma and subsequent overall enjoyment of the beer. Unlike in Europe where th ere are many different types of beer appreciated and thus many beer glass styles, American beer is typically served in mugs or pilsner glasses. A pilsner glass is the typical tall narrow glass with the roughly wider rim that you will see frequently used in bars. Lighter beers are traditionally served in pilsner glasses while darker, heavier brews are more compatible with mugs or steins.Cocktail GlassesThere are countless numbers of cocktail concoctions and mixed drinks, but luckily most of these drinks are intended for a standard set of glasses. * Collins Glasses Alternately referred to as tumblers, these 14-16 oz tall glasses are the right choice for soft drinks, whiskey sours, bloody marys and any juice-based cocktail such as the cranberry juice and vodka. The larger size of the glass complements the limited amount of alcohol subject in these drinks. Most standard drinking glasses can be classified as Collins glasses. * Highball Glasses At a slightly smaller 10-12 ounces, high ball glasses are used for stronger mixed drinks such as the tequila sunrise, gin and tonic and considerable island iced tea. These are also commonly used when a tall version of a stronger drink is requested. repress and elegant, the highball glass is a classy addition to any glassware collection.* Rocks Glasses Also called old-fashioned, these small square shaped glasses are used to serve cocktails with a high alcohol content and little else, such as rum and coke, southern comfort or seven and seven. As can be inferred from their name, rocks glasses are also used to serve shots on the rocks. * Shot Glasses As the name indicates, shot glasses are used for serving shots straight up. In addition, shot glasses can also be used to measure the amount of alcohol used in other mixed drinks and are a great addition to any bar, even if you dont picture on serving shots.* Hurricane Glasses A tall glass with a graceful curve in the center, Hurricane glasses are typically employed to serve theirnamesake drink, along with daiquiris and margaritas. The beautiful shape of the glass makes any drink visually pleasing. * Martini Glasses One of the most easily recognizable glasses and the favorite of pile Bond devotees worldwide, martini glasses are primarily used to servemartinis. The wide, triangular glass is available in many unique styles and is a staple of any bar set-up.

Sunday, May 19, 2019

Julius Caesar †Qualities of a Good Leader Essay

Selecting a dandy attracter for a demesne is like dominoes. The leader needs to be somebody that wont make the occasional mis exhaust that would, in dominoes, hit one of the others and make them all fall down. If the leader does their job correctly, the country will be strong. A good leader must be subject to make his own decisions because if he cannot, he will be considered a weak leader. A countrys leader must be able to communicate with the masses as well because if he frustrates the people of the country to listen, then his job would be much easier. Also, if the leader were noble to his countrymen, then in that respect would not be any disputes within the country. In Julius Caesar, Mark Antony is a perfect example of a good leader. Not only is he a positive(p) and noble person, he is also convincing and that helps in becoming a good leader. Antony would be a good leader of Rome because he is confident, noble, and persuasive. He never changes his mind when he makes a deci sion and that is good in a leader.When the triumvirate was reservation a list of people to kill, Antony came across the name of his nephew. Even though it was his nephew that he was killing, Antony said, He shall not live look, with a spot I damn him. (IV.i.9) Antony had to kill his nephew, who might oppose him, and he did not want to take the chance. Another part where Antonys confidence in decision-making was when he was talking to Octavius close Lepidus. The triumvirate was made up of collar people, Antony, Lepidus, and Octavius, and so The threefold world divided, he should stand / One of the three to share it? (IV.i.14-15) Antony meant that Lepidus would not be capable of ruling a third of the world, and that he would rather take half and Octavius take the other half. Antonys confidence shows him being capable of being a outstanding leader.Along with being confident, Antony would make a great leader because of his grandeur towards others. Antony was seen to be noble towar ds Caesar. The ii men were close to each other like a mother and her child. When Caesar died, Antony wanted revenge for Caesar. And Caesars spirit, ranging for revenge, With Ate by his side come hot from hell / Shall stir these confines with a sovereigns voice / Cry Havoc and let slip the dogs of war / That this foul deed shall scent above the earth / With carrion men, groaning for burial. (III.i.270-275) Caesar was like family to Antony and when Caesar was killed,Antony wanted Caesars spirit to rest easier, and so he went to get revenge for Caesar.Besides being noble to Caesar, Antony was noble to the countrymen as well. When Antony came to give his speech or so Caesar at the town, the people were listening to him respectively. Antony knew about Caesars will and he did not have to tell the citizens about it. Since Antony was a good person he read the will and he said To every roman print citizen he gives, / To every several man, seventy-five drachmas. (III.ii.244-245) Being a good person as he is, he read the will as the people wanted so they would be content. Antonys nobility shows him to be worthy in becoming a good leader of Rome.Along with being confident and noble, Antony would be a great leader because he can be persuasive. Since Antony had great speaking skills, he could get people to think the way he wants them to think. After Caesars death, Antony met up with the conspirators and he persistent to make them think he would forget about the assassination. He said, I doubt not of your wisdom. / permit each man render me his bloody hand. (III.i.202-203) The conspirators thought that Antony had forgiven them, but the truth was that Antony was going to make the general turn against Brutus and the conspirators. When it was time for Antony to make his speech about Caesar to the countrymen, he used his speaking skills and got the countrymen on his side. The citizens were go by his speech and said, Well hear him, well follow him, well die with him. (II I.ii.211) The countrymen were listening to Brutus words at the beginning and they were agreeing with what he said. Now Antony had gotten the people to listen to him and follow him.Antony uses his speech skills to win the heart of the crowd and he makes the people feel how he wants them to. He said, Good friends, sweet friends, let me not stir you up / To such(prenominal) a sudden flood of mutiny. (III.ii.12-13) That quote probably made the crowd want to know more(prenominal) of what Antony had to say, and that was what Antony wanted. So, the ability to persuade people is a very important element in being a good leader. A successful country must have a good leader, and Antony has the ability of being a great leader. He can persuade people into thinking as he does and he is noble to the people of the country. He gives the people an opportunity to say what they have tosay instead of serious going on his own beliefs. He is also very confident in himself and so whatever he decides to do he does, and does not change his mind. Not only is he noble to his friends, he is also noble to the people of the country as well. With Antony as a leader, the country would not go bad since he is a person who does thing right. Mark Antony was an honorable and powerful man, and so he would be a great leader.

Saturday, May 18, 2019

Value Chain Analysis-Costco Corporation Essay

Brief on the OrganizationCostco is among the leading orbicular retailers which provide customers a wide range of merchandise, ranging from small to well-known brands. The company began operations in 1983. oer the years, Costco has been a retailer in depressive disorder cost membership-only leader, in warehouse club of merchandise. Moreover, Costco does not plead frills warehouse business models as its competitors do. Costcos major competitors are BJs Wholesale Club and surface-to-air missile Club (Costco, 2010). Applying the tools presented in this SSP, Costco provides a detailed analysis for transforming business operations relative to industry rivals. This is through with(p) in order to create profits and attain maximum shareholders place. A unaired examination of Costcos encourage strand suggests that the company uses a utilitarian approach, which maximizes the benefits for all stakeholders.The Concept of Value twine and Information Technology Impact Nowadays, competitive advantage mainly derives itself through information engine room in business models. Therefore, such supportive activities as information systems, R&D or universal management are usually the or so important source of differentiation advantage. Technology innovations continue to sort Costcos set filament. Through information technology, Costco obtains strategic significance by changing the way companies operate. The most important concept is the value chain an organization has entrenched itself in incorporating communication increases cooperation which leads to the productivity movement of connecting groups that create activities toward a value system. Costco usage of the smartphone applications is only used to make personal judgments and predict purchases. Costco utilizes amicable media platforms to enhance online shopping. The company continues to offer online shopping to its members. However, customers privacy is at risk victimization the smartphone data, and the corporat ion acknowledges this problem to their members (Costco, 2010). In addition to this threat, smartphones diminish the use of cash. Organizations Value Chain AnalysisValue Chain analysis evaluates each step business goes through from inception to finality. The finishing is to maximize the value for the total cost. Costcos mission is to provide their members with quality goods and services at the final possible prices. The companys mission, values and strategies suggest Costco uses a broad enterprise strategy which fits in the societal framework. To ensure employee motivation, Costco offers them a unique banquet of benefits. This include paying health benefits for them, 50% high wage, employee retention of over 90 percent, and maintaining employees even during recession periods (Costco, 2010). The Companys strength is its primary value chains which split into two distinct functions Demand fulfilment and Demand generation. Demand fulfilment includes gossip logistics, operations, and o utput logistics.Demand generation involves sales, marketing, and service department which breaks down into sub-tiers. Costcos support activities include HRM, technology development, firm infrastructure and procurement. Costcos weaknesses are difficult to pinpoint one weakness is persistent low operating profit margins. Bigger profits can occur by not paying employee benefits and with demanding higher(prenominal) returns from their suppliers. The problem would be at what cost? Costco receives cost advantages from value adding major (brand items) activities. However, it continues to experience a take exception from Sam Club and BJs Warehouse, also have a membership fee to shop for gravid deals (Mascarenhas, 2004). Linkages and Value SystemMr. porters beer introduced the generic value chain model in 1985. Value chain represents all the internal activities a firm engages in to produce goods and services. VC is formed primarily of activities that add value to the final product directl y and support activities that add value indirectly (Value Chain analysis, 2013). According to Porter and Millar, (1985, p. 154) several factors needed in analyzing how information technology might works for your organization. By identifying and ranking the ways in which information technology creates a competitive advantage, it determine the role of information technology in the business structure, and the impact it has on the business world.ReferencesCostco (2010). Why Become a Member.Retrieved from http//www.costco.com/membership-information.html Finne, S. (2008). The retail value chain How to gain competitive advantage through Efficient Consumer Response (ECR) strategies. Kogan PagePublishers. Gilmartin, B. (2014). Costco Earnings Preview glorious Execution, Perennially Overvalued Mascarenhas, O. (2004). Customer value-chain involvement for co-creating customer delight. Journal of consumer marketing, 21(7), 486-496.Porter, M. E., & Millar, V. E. (1985). How information gives yo u competitive advantage. Harvard Business Review, 63(4), 149-160 Williamson, G. (2014). A unreserved but Powerful Strategy That Can Lead To Multibaggers. Retrieved from http//www.dailyfinance.com/2014/03/04/play-follow-the-leader Value Chain Analysis Strategic way Insight. (n.d.). Retrieved from http//www.strategicmanagementinsight.com/tools/value-chain-analysis.html

Friday, May 17, 2019

Discuss the Claim Made by Some Sociologists That in Modern Societies Religion Is Losing Its Social Significance Essay

Secularisation is the process of the autumn of religious beliefs. Secularization can be measured in two ways. Firstly, thither is the institutional approach that deals with church attendance and the societal approach which deals with the decline of commonwealths beliefs. Of course which method one chooses depends on how you define faith. Some sociologists such as Comte, Durkheim and weber as well as others all believe that religious belief is indeed losing its social substance in modern societies. They believe that with industrialization, good deal would turn to rationalization. However, there atomic number 18 others that dont agree that religion is losing its significance. Firstly Comte believes that society would go through three (3) stages.The first stage is the metaphysical stage where everything is controlled by abstract forces, the second stage is known as the theological stage in which philosophy would rationalize society and the final stage, the positive stage is wher e science dominates the society. As such, he didnt see the introduction of religion at all in society. In addition, Durkheim believes that with industrialization and the introduction of science and technology, religion would dawdle its social significance. People would be more concerned with the material aspects of the world such as partying and sack to fetes. In addition, with the demands of a hectic life, people would not see the need to.On the other hand, weber believed that with industrialization, people would turn to rationalization. That is, they would turn to science and as such religious beliefs and practices would decline. An example of this is where people opt to go to the doctor rather than have a bush bath. Shiner also believed that there would be a decline in religious thought and action in the society. Also people would start to question the scriptures and religious techniques. In addition, Wilson used statistics to prove that religion is indeed losing its social s ignificance. Finally, Marx foresaw the decline of religion when the economic structure of the society had changed. On the other hand, there are sociologists that believe that religion will not lose its significance. Martin criticized Wilsons view on religion by using statistics. He believed that this was not an appropriate way to measure secularization since it says nothing about peoples beliefs. In addition, Martin believed that secularization is a myth and does not exist.Glasner also believed it is a myth and that it cannot be measured. Jose Casanova, although he believed in the concept of secularization does not fully believe that religion will lose its social significance in society but that people would turn to rationalization. Steve Bruce also noted that secularization is an illusion and it cannot be measured accurately. However, in todays society religion does play a significant role in the lives of the people. Many persons try to go to church and take part in their religion . However, there are others who do not go to church. May people are caught up with their hectic life and do not have time to go to church. There has also been a decline in religious thought and action due to science. Despite this, a number of measures could be put in hind end to help people see how important religion is. Parents, community leaders as well as the religious leaders essential play their part and set better examples. In addition, youths should be addicted more responsibilities in the church and as such they wont feel alienated. Hence we must do whatever we could to ensure that religion continues to play a vital role in our society.

Thursday, May 16, 2019

Greasy Lake

The Difference Between, Story and Song In the story and the phone call, what is too be intentional? The story and the yell ar different in so many government agencys. The story has a naughty side to it and it is not all fun and games any more. The boys in the story get hurt and terrified. The song on the other hand has a lighter touch to it. The boys are having a great time and nourishment it up. They do not focus on the next day alone what is dismission on at the time. They both show how teenagers can be irresponsible and not have a tutelage in the world. They also have their unique qualities to the story they tell.The setting in the story had a dark side to it. It was all fun and games as they rode around town, got drunk and smoked weed. Then they decided to go to fatty Lake. They thought they saw their friend and started honking to give him a hard time, but they were wrong. Everything thing went downhill from in that location. The kat that owned the car was mad and it started a huge fight. This shows darkness by it being late so everyone is away that should not be and there fighting roughlyone could have got killed. The main char make a motioner had upset his keys and could not find them so that they could get away.Jeff and Digby, friends of the main char be activeer, were fighting the guy that owned the car the main character went for the tire iron chthonic the seat of his own car. He thought, I kept it there because bad characters always keep tire irons under the drivers seat, just for an intimacy like this (127). He got the tire iron and overhead the guy over the head with it and he hit the ground. Everyone just froze and stared for a minute. This is one example of how the story is dark and what could happen no one got knocked erupt in the song. Then a girl came around the car yelling, animals (128).The boys just stared and lusted of her. Then they started tearing her garment off and were trying to pin her to the hood of the car. T his is a dark point in the story because they were going to rape the girl. Before they could do it head lights peered into the lot. The boys took off running. They were friends of the guy they had knocked out. The girl was screaming, it is them they tried to rap me (129). They guys go after they boys through the woods. They boys all separated in different directions. The main character had plunged into the lake and just as he started to swim he hit something.He said it was, unspeakable, obscene, something soft, wet, moss-grown (129). He figured out it was a stillborn body floating in the water. The boys where hanging out where bad characters go, that body in the water could be them one day. He had to stay there and hide for a while though. They boys finally met back up after the other guys left and the car was ruined. The windshield smashed in, dented all over and glassful thrown into the car. He found the keys and two girls pulled up looking for the dead guy. They got out of tha t and got out of there, they were scared they were going to jail and just wanted to go home.The song has a lighter setting to it. The boys are cruising around town having the time of their lives. They go around and pick up all of their friends and head to fatty Lake. The song lyrics say, I got a bottle of rose so lets try it and Ill take you all out to where the gypsy angels go, Theyre build like light And they dance like spirits in the night (Spirit in the Night). They just want to have a good time and go out with their friends to the lake. there was some fighting in the song but not as graphic as in the story. The boys were just dancing under the stares all night.The song lyrics said, And we danced all night to a soul fairy ring (Spirit in the Night). The boys did not try to rape anyone like they did in the story, but they were qualification love under the stares. The song lyrics say, Me and Crazy Janey was makin love in the dirt, Singin our birthday songs (Spirit in the Night ). They did not have a care in the world. Also they were not running from anyone and finding dead bodies in the lake. They were all drunk or high and going out for a good time. Both the song and the story talk slightly rout 88. Thats the way to greasy lake.I think the song is meant for just going out and having a good time. It leaves out all the bad things that could happen. The song is like a dream the story is more of a reality. In that kind of situation getting drunk and smoking weed, normally always something goes wrong. In the song it is all fun and games and a little fighting. It is or soly just dancing under the stares, drinking, smoking, and making love. The song lyrics say, Now, the night was bright and the stars threw light, On Billy and Davy dancin in the moonlight (Spirit in the Night).This is a lettuce coated version of the story. The story has a darker side to it. People are fighting and getting knocked out. There was an attempted rape and dead bodies floating in th e water. The song and the story are completely different. The boys in the story were scared that they might go to jail for all the stuff they have done. In the song they did not have a care in the world. Also in the story the boys tried to act like they were bad characters and were mean and did all this stuff. When really they were just young teenagers who really did not render it.They were foolish and just wanted to act like they were cool. They really had no idea what it meant to be that way until that night a greasy lake. The main character thought, I wanted to go home to my rears house and crawl into bed (131). What I learned from the story and the song are opposite. The boys in the story think they are these cool bad characters. In reality they just wanted to act that way. They had no idea what it was like to really be that way until they got in the fight with that guy and his friends showed up.The song has a more upbeat tone to it. It shows them having a great time and getti ng along for the most part. I like the fact that they portray different stories though. It makes it more interesting and gets you thinking. Works Cited Boyle, Coraghessan. Greasy Lake. literature An Introduction to Fiction Poetry, Drama, and Writing, 11thedition. Ed. X. J. Kennedy and Dana Gioia. New York Longman, 2010. 125-132. Print. Springsteens, Bruce. Spirit in the Night. Greetings from Asbury Park. Clive Davis, 1973. CD.

Wednesday, May 15, 2019

Storytelling can help making the brand means much to the audience Essay

Storytelling can help making the patsy means much to the consultation because the stories just like a bridge which create a real connection between the course and the audience - Essay ExampleStorytelling presupposes that a consumption narrative protagonist tells a personal story in which he consciously or unconsciously intertwines a cross off. Most often the existence of the brand influences and changes protagonists life for better (Woodside et al., 99).Storytelling in business is exceptionally important because it creates credibility of the brand making the convergence more real. Good myth can deliver the main message less(prenominal) persistently and more naturally. It is im likely to create something that will non breed similar concurrent products however, it is possible to make the of the product unique. Myths shape information virtually the product in an effective way- not with facts plainly with coherent experiences of people. We all are prone to believe more to what w e read or what feel and experience, and storytelling and myths in marketing is the most reliable way of facts presentation. It is also important to mind that stories are usually shared, not facts, and the probability of the advertisement with a good story to go viral is much higher (Thomas 1). strong Foods, one of the biggest health food companies in the United States is good example of effective storytelling. Their myth is more or less healthy benefits of their products that change life of consumers. They claim that natural food is much better for the body and you as you will feel more energetic and healthier eating it. Those who consume this food care about themselves while those who prefer other products do not (Mathews & Wacker, 13) Nike is another example of an effective storytelling in marketing. The gild is selling the myth about personal perseverance and resistance to the world and the following success. Nike has created a philosophy based on sportsmen who dedicate their lives to fighting with ordeals, rivals, and themselves finally and achieving success in this fight. In the story the product itself is placed on the

Tuesday, May 14, 2019

Public University Funding Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Public University Funding - Assignment ExampleThere is problem in acquiring bullion from private entities/ mental hospitals such as auxiliaries that are affiliated to these public universities. The problem does not arise from acquiring notes. The problem arises when such auxiliaries affiliated to the universities are not legally bound to disclose where they get funds from and are also exempt from any disclosure of their accounts.Such anomaly can lead to unsafe consequences for the universities. Instances have been quoted where certain auxiliaries have not been as forthcoming as they were expected to be. A foundation affiliated with Sonoma State University lent money to a former member of its board. They then got stuck with a eminence when he could not pay the money back. And a former chancellor of San Francisco City College has been indicted on charges that implicate allegedly diverting money from a foundation account to pay for a club membership, hard drink and other expenses (Instructions).These malpractices cannot be allowed to go unchecked just because Californian Public Records Act does not shroud foundations. There is a gap in the law if such malpractices are allowed to occur with impunity. The current fiscal scenario is fraught with ignoble implications and any gap in the legal process could even mean acting into the hands of terrorists.Californian Senator Leland Yees legislative bill SB-218 deserves swift and overwhelming approval by the legislature. The bill pull up stakes ensure transparency and accountability. In order that honest and bona fide auxiliaries are not discouraged from fund airlift on the universitys behalf, SB-218 has a provision for such donors to remain anonymous (Senate Judiciary Committee).There are ordered and principled ways of raising funds. Sometimes it is easier to raise funds than disburse them. Universities must be as careful in their disbursements as they are when raising funds.ConclusionAccountability and transp arency in financial affairs promote goodwill and developmental activities. People in general and donors in particular necessity to see funds utilized judiciously and donate in greater measure when funds are invested honestly and purposefully. Besides, universities are noble institutions and are expected to uphold exemplary standards of funds utility.SourceInstructions, methodicalness No. 316961, Academia-Research.comSenate Judiciary C

Monday, May 13, 2019

Articulating the Culture of Your Cohort Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Articulating the Culture of Your Cohort - Essay theoretical accountThey include The group usually holds many meetings during the day which is very different from other groups. In addition, the members of the age group often dress in a formal manner which makes it unique as comp bed to other groups. in that location are also a number of espoused values that makes the group unique in comparison with other groups. They include The group believes so much in groupwork, and a conclusiveness cannot be before the team members conduct discussions. The cohort also values privacy a lot, and leakage of internal affairs by a member of the group is a serious offense (Eliot, 1949).The cohort has also had underlying assumptions that are basic which makes it different from other groups. They include The founders of the cohort had a definite assumption that for a decision to be there must be discussions by the group members to reach the decision. The other assumption is that impregnation in a f ormal way shows the seriousness of the cohort (Kubr,

Sunday, May 12, 2019

The impact of computer system has had on McDonalds fast food resturant Essay

The impact of computer system has had on McDonalds extravagant food resturant - Essay ExampleMcDonalds got us to throw away our trash and banks converted us from using tellers to ATMs. Retail customers are increasingly choosing to serve themselves. Kiosks are becoming common. Customers finish determine/verify output pricing, view on-line promotions and advertising, locate products, and access frequent shopper program information. With kiosks, customers can view a much than wider assortment of merchandise than can be accommodated on the sales floor. Retailers can offer more colors, sizes, flavors and options. Kiosks bequeath for offering complementary products to standard store offerings. Customers can also quickly find what they want. The retailer can provide additional product information - including specifications, price comparisons and product reviews. Customers can perform transactions such(prenominal) as spoiling a gift card or applying for a credit card on a kiosk. Ha ndheld computers can read barcodes on products in the store, and calculate a running check of the bill as customers shop. More customers can be served quicker by fewer people when self-checkout systems are implemented, resulting in a long-term cost savings. Self-checkout is an example of how technology has increased margins for retailers.3 Currently McDonalds is testing the use of new technologies such as RFID and barcode-selling in some countries. For example, in South Korea, customers can buy their food through their electric cell phones which rings when the order is ready4 still it is said that this trial is much more an RFID effort than a traditional fluid experiment. Most of the phones communications capabilities and its display are barely used, with customers having to download a McDonalds application into their phone.5 However the system works easily for the people with compatible cell phones. At each table, there is an RFID reader and a menu that has built-in RFID chips . Customers plug the reader into their mobile phones and point them at the item on the menu that they wish to eat or drink. The bill is aerated through the mobile phone. When the meal is ready, the system sends a short message to the phone so the customer can pick up the ready tray at a designated counter.6 In order for McDonalds to implement a secure RFID and barcode system, they consider all the security measurements for these technologies. There are a number of rudimentary design features necessary in automatic data collection systems and good database design.7 Not surprisingly, FRIDs unforesightful system design, whether capturing RFID tag information, bar code information or keyboard-entered data will create vulnerabilities.8 In other words, initial RFID is a system with weaknesses and in order to use this system, McDonalds needs to collapse some security issues. Researchers state that RFID systems as a whole are often treated with suspicion, but the input data received from individual RFID tags is implicitly trusted.9 Viruses and worms are known threats that can set these systems with ease. Currently McDonalds is cooperating with security companies to provide maximum security tools and protocols to

Saturday, May 11, 2019

SWOT ANALYSIS Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 1

SWOT ANALYSIS - Essay pillowcaseAs matter of fact, via SWOT analysis, many process limitations atomic number 18 numerated, but the most useful breeding arent highlighted. Therefore, the management ought to carry extra analysis to determine the best factor to use during evaluation. private-enterprise(a) advantage ca n be defined as standing a better a better chance to lure customers in non-monopolistic market structure. According to porter (2012), competitive advantage behind only be gained by either cost reduction or product differentiation, but not both. Therefore, a strategic value chain analysis can easily identify stages in take either impact positively on differentiation or reduce costs.Customer satisfaction goes attain in hand with profit maximization goal. Perception that a product is of high value by customers not only reduces their bargaining power but also increases their willingness to purchase. Only satisfied customers can be retained. Therefore, success in value ch ain analysis depends on how well customer needs are addressed.Ovidijus Jurevicius 25.04.2013. (2013, April 25). Value Chain Analysis Strategic Management Insight. RetrievedFebruary14, 2015, from

Friday, May 10, 2019

Paradise Lost by John Milton term paper Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words - 1

Paradise Lost by John Milton term paper - Essay spokespersonvenge over this, demon or the Lucifer, in other words, decided to bring the downfall of man by making them to eat the forbidden fruit in the Paradise or the Garden of Eden. Consequently, one may have the temptation not to believe in Christianity by basing on the reason on what could figure out God allow Serpent to revenge on His mental home (God) if He truly loved them.The romance of the Paradise begins from hell where both the Lucifer and his followers recover from the defeat after losing the involution initially in the war they had with God. For example, they constructed a monument that they referred to the Pandemonium where they were weighing the options of making a return to battle or just to forfeit it by accepting the defeat. Consequently, they also had the considerations of exploring the hot world contained in the prophesies of creation for effecting the safe infliction of their planned revenge against mankind . As a way of enforcing their mission with full force, the Tempter decided to undertake the task alone minus engaging his followers. He feared that his followers might experience extreme damage or run away from him during the battle (Driven, 45). At the onset of the mission, Satan met with his subject who were the Death and the Sin. Thereafter, they unbarred the gates for him. Satan proceeded with his journey to the chaos until he ensured that he has the visualization of the public floating next to the globe that was the heaven. Through this instance, God predicted the fall of man when He saw Satan moving in the world. In consequence, Gods son who was at His right hand decided to sacrifice himself for the mapping of saving the mankind from the wrath of destruction by Satan. However, Satan still managed to maneuver his ways into the new universe where he flew to the sun and proceeded to trick angel, Uriel into showing the direction leading to the home of the man.After the couns elling to the way to the home of the man by the deceived angel Uriel, Satan managed his ways into