Sunday, March 31, 2019
History of China-Taiwan relationship
History of chinaware-mainland China family chinaware has been a part of the old-fashioned China since NanSong Dynasty ( about 960 A.D.), During the Chinese civil war from 1945 to 1949, Republic of China (ROC)s administration party, thus, KuoMinTang (KMT) evacuated to Taiwan Island and relocated the study government in Taipei, firearm the winner, Chinese Communist Party (CCP), has established the Peoples Republic of China (PRC) in Beijing. Both parts has been claiming that they are the only lawful representative of China, however, ROCs losing of its croup in United Nation in 1971 (replaced by PRC) and the effective insulate ROC (Chen, 2006, p110) plan squeezed ROCs international spaces signifi toleratetly. The United States troop firstly joined the KMT forces in 1950s Taiwan Crisis (defined as Taiwan liberating battle by CCP) that has prevent Taiwan from unified by CCP and they then fuddle singed the mutual Defense Treaty between the USA and ROC in 1954 followed by the Taiwa n Relation Art in 1979, the law regulating the US-Taiwan relationship after their termination of the official diplomatic relations( Wang, 2010). The US does non accept PRCs claims to reign over Taiwan and CCPs definition of One-China policy and acts as the backup admirer for Taiwans protective capability. As a entrust, at that place is challenge for China and Taiwan making political and military cooperation. Due to the lack of bilateral inter carry outs, fit in to Saunders, (2005), thither was change magnitude differences between national identities for both parts that constitute barriers for further communication.Theory of surety DilemmaBeing one of the about important thought processs in the international trade protection world, the certification predicament opening analyses how devil countries or regions interact with all(prenominal) separate, and the situation of credential quandary (should be distinct from the term gage plight theory) describes the situati on of two states or regions without offensive purports that get into puzzle when both of them are pursuance much(prenominal) warranter measure guarantees, in other words, the auspices dilemma is a crucial process which destabilises the costing balances of power that whitethorn finally failed to make a secure international order(30 Cerny, 2000). Seen from the huge number of schoolman works which helped to explain the study political events like the First World con scat and the Cold War, the security dilemma is deployed to explain more international personal matters in contemporary world.Definition of Security DilemmaIn short, in this thesis, the security dilemma could be summarized by Alan Collins(when) states take defensive measures to protect themselves, they can inadvertently signal to neighboring states that they might reserve expansionist goals. The scenario represents a deteriorating relationship based upon misperception, where, because the statesmen must provi de for their states knowledge security, a spiraling process of tension and arms procurement occurs. It is a tragedy, neither intends the other harm just now, because they do not know this, their relationship deteriorates (Collins 1997, 23).To crap a more rigorous understanding for the concept, Tang,(2009), mentioned eight major points for security dilemma.1The ultimate source of the security dilemma is the uncontrolled nature of international politics.33 22Under anarchy, states cannot be certain about each others present and future intentions. As a result, states tend to fear each other (or the possibility that the other side whitethorn be a predator).34 3The security dilemma is unintentional in origin a genuine security dilemma can exist only between two defensive realist states (that is, states that merely want security without intending to threaten the other). 4Because of the hesitation about each others intentions (hereafter, uncertainty) and fear, states resort to the ing athering of power or capabilities as a way of life of defense, and these capabilities inevitably contain some offensive capabilities. 5The dynamics of the security dilemma are self-reinforcing and often lead to (unintended and bad) spirals such(prenominal) as the impairment of relationships and arms races. (6) The dynamics of the security dilemma tends to make some measures for increasing securityfor example, accumulating unnecessary offensive capabilitiesself-defeating more power but less security. 7The vicious cycle derived from the security dilemma can lead to tragic results, such as unnecessary or evitable wars. (8) The severity of the security dilemma can be regulated by both material factors and psychological factors. (Tang, 2009)According to Tang,(2009) among all the eight points, uncertainty and fear generated in the anarchy structure, malign intention from both sides and accumulation of power are the three essential aspects while others points are not sufficient to const ruct the security dilemma. Similar to tang, Alan Collins has also cerebrate three features of security dilemma, which are mutual suspicion, clement intentions and undesirable options. (Lee, 2009) On the third points, apart from building up the material capabilities, Collins has mentioned other scenario of the states reaction that if policy-makers decide to do nothing to tranquilize other states, this will also bring the state into risk by presenting a window for others to exploit any weakness(1122Lee, 2009). Collins idea is corresponding to Booth and Wheelers (2008,p4) explanation of a dilemma of response which refers to when faced with military build-up in the counterpart state, decision-makers have hindrance in choosing a reassuring or a deterrent reaction. In sum, no matter what actions the sates take, there is a big chance of a vicious circle that decreases the security level for both sides.The Review of Security Dilemma StudyIn this section, first, in order to have a more comprehensive understanding, there is a brief review of the faculty member works on the security dilemma security study and second, have a look at the factors which affect the severity of security dilemma. The using of security dilemma could be regarded as a process of academic debate on whether the security dilemma could be mitigated in the anarchic international conditions. The earliest literatures under offensive realism have argued that there is an irreducible negate between defensive states when they ask for more security because of the uncertainty. However, defensive realists, such as Robert Jervis, thinks the security dilemma could be mitigated when, under certain condition, both states successfully signal their benign intention to each other and then make a long cooperation(Jervis, 1796, p81). The constructivist approach strengthens the dialogue among policymakers which assign new connotations to the material factors that intensify the security dilemma.The offensive real ism, coined by John Mearsheimer (Booth and Wheeler,2008,p35), or the fatalist logic of peril concluded by Booth and Wheeler, refers to ensuring one states induce security by pursuing the overwhelming power (Mearsheimer, 2007), and policy makers must adopt worst-case scenario assumptions when to interpret others intention. As a result, there is an inescapable security ambition between states and increases the risk of war.Though the writings of John Herz and Herbert Butterfield were to begin with the came out of the term offensive realism, they are holding a same conclusion (Tan, 2007) John Herz has first coined the term security dilemma in 1950, (Herz, 1950), the key passage about how the security dilemma leads to the security paradox as followAnarchic society has exitedGroups and individuals who live on board each other without being organized into a higher con peeity . . . must be . . . concerned about their security from being attacked, subjected, dominated, or annihilated b y other groups and individuals. Striving to attain security from such attacks, they are driven to acquire more and more power in order to execute the effects of the power of others. This, in turn, renders the others more precarious and compels them to prepare for the worst. Because no state can ever feel merely secure in such a world of competing units, power competition ensues, and the vicious circle of security and power accumulation is on. (b1,p22 Herz, 1950, p157)In Herzs early argument, it is the fear of being attacked and self-preservation that drives the state to maximise its power, while the kind-hearted nature of peace or aggression does not matter so much to the security dilemma. Though did not speak explicitly, Herzs security dilemma is unintentional since it arises from states accumulation of power due to fear and uncertainty. Moreover, in his 1951 work, Herz explored the relationship between power and security dilemma. (Herz, 1952, p200) by noting that they works wi th more drastic force and in a more brutal form without the supervising power. Meanwhile, the British historian Herbert Butterfield use the phrase irreducible dilemma(Butterfield cited in Booth and Wheeler,2008,p27) to describe a similar situation. Butterfield suggests that statesmen would be virtuous and may not use a harmful way to grantee their national interests. However, there is a tragic element in homophile conflict, thus fear and suspicion, that makes states fail to know each others counter-fear and regard others subsequent reactions to those fears as sign of aggression(Lee,2009), consequently, conflicts would expose out. Robert Jerviss plenty work on security dilemma has brought it to the mainstream though there is lack of a systematic definition. According to Tang,(2009), from different places, Jervis defined the security dilemma as follow under the defensive intentions, a states action to increase its security would threaten the other state and then result in undesired consequence. Jervis emphasises the anarchic context of international relations and thinks human nature would have little effect on the security dilemma. Jerviss spiral model,which generally refers to the pursuit of self-defeating power by status quo states(Tan, 2007) is a breakthrough work in the security dilemma studies. One breakthrough made by Jervis, according to Tan, (2007), is that he thinks there is possibility for states under security dilemma situation to move escape the fatalist logic of insecurity by perceive the defensive intention from each other.
Saturday, March 30, 2019
Overview of the Primary Health Care System in Hong Kong
Overview of the unproblematic health C be System in Hong KongStudent separate MAN Ho YanIntroductionHong Kong average carriage expectancy is unmatched the longest city among the world, regular longer than roughly developed countries much(prenominal) as America, Japan (Lee et al., 2016). According to the statistic give upd by the plane section of wellness in 2016, the life expectancy of Hong Kong male and female are 81.2 and 87.3 respectively. The reason why Hong Kong is having this honor posterior be related to various factors. Generall(a)y speaking, to a greater extent and more people befuddle started to take criminal maintenance of their puff upness. For example, they read a variety of food choice, buying food from m all places with a comparatively reason open price. The Hong Kong g bothplacenment likewise covers lots of effort in wellness promotion, like encouraging people to do abounding exercise per workweek and eat wellnessily with less oil, salt, sugar and so on Citizens are able to find this kind of wellness information easily through television, advertisements, or the Internet. In terms of policy making, Hong Kong government has set up regulations restricting smoking in Hong Kong. Smoking in restricted area is prohibited, in high spiritser(prenominal) regulation in tobacco trading, as well as the advertisements of tobacco, affix or showed to the humankind. Together with the smoking cessation program provided by the government, the result of people smoke is kept decreasing throughout these years (Hong Kong Council on Smoking and wellness, 2016).Nonetheless, an early(a) important factor that makes Hong Kong people tramp have the longest life expectancy in the world is due to Hong Kong has a countywide wellness awe rake trunk. Including both(prenominal) worldly concern and hush-hush health work, from out-patient clinic, specialist out-patient clinic, scour in hospitalization, Hong Kong health bid organization has a high flavour and high standard of health delivery dish out. With the advanced health check checkup examination examination technology, all the Hong Kong citizens sack enjoy the health service, no matter what kind of economic status of oneself. They can commit the health service. Everyone will be provided with adequate health distribute service provided by all health criteria. As a result, Hong Kong citizens can have a higher chance to have a longer life expectancy.In the following paragraph, a brief overview of the current Hong Kong health dread ashes will be discussed, followed by the discussion of one of the major offices of the entirely system in Hong Kong, base wellness safekeeping, by looking at the working principles of the system and the services provided to the mankind. Last but not least, the health apprehension system in Hong Kong though is comparatively perfect than other countries. There are some rooms of improvement, which will be discussed in the recommendation part.Hong Kong current health handle Systempresent the health cautiousness system in Hong Kong is running under a dual-track system, they are familiar and tete-a-tete heavenss. These vault of heavens deliver contrasting services from basal, secondary and even tertiary care. unrestricted health care sector is the core of the solely healthcare system, providing health services to all the citizens. In other words, the unexclusive healthcare sector is the basic system in maintaining the health of the residential area. On the other hand, personal healthcare provides an alternative choice for citizens to remove (Ko, 2013). These services usually have a higher cost, but will provide a more accessible and relatively higher quality healthcare service than common healthcare service. If lymph nodes can afford the cost, they may choose semi hole-and-corner(a) health care service according to their own proneness (Kong, 2015). tout ensemble public health care s ervices in Hong Kong are regulated by the Food and Health Bureau, HKSAR. The major role of it is ambit up policies and distributing resources to public healthcare services to operate and providing service for the fraternity (HKSAR, 2016). Under the regulation of Food and Health Bureau, there are ii more departments in providing different kinds of public health care services. The division of Health is responsible for the management of public health like authority Clinics, Student Health portions Centre, Maternal and Child Health Centres etc. The Hospital Authority is responsible for the management of public hospitals, for instance, public hospitals, universal out-patient clinics, special out-patient clinics (HKSAR, 2016). private health care service, involve mainly hospital services, such as private hospitals, private practitioners, and private Chinese practitioners. All the private hospitals, private medical clinics are regulated by the Department of Health, and they should o bey the Hospitals, Nursing Homes and Maternity Home Registration Ordinance (Cap. 165) and the medical checkup Clinics Ordinance (Cap. 343) (HKSAR, 2010).3. Primary Health Care ServicesPrimary health care is an important category in the health care system since it helps to maintain the health of the biotic community, the work should be done goodly and comprehensively. This is because foremost-string health care is the scratch step of contact between patients with their family members and health professional (WHO, 2008). Generally speaking, primitive health care aims to prevent any disease occur in the early stage, as well as improve personal health condition. These kinds of actions can help in raze the opportunity of suffering diseases and thus, reduce the needs of a high take aim of health care like that more intensive health care. The full-length health expenditure can be reduced for both the client oneself and also the whole health care system (HKSAR, 2008). A correct a nd effective victimization of elemental health care system can benefit the use of resources and their allocation to another part of the system. For example, primary election health care for senior, manipulation on long-term disease etc.3.1 underway Primary Heath Care Service in Hong KongBeing the first contact point of the health care, primary health care does allow health promotion, patient-based health care, disease prevention, and medicine care. In Hong Kong, primary health care services are mainly provided by the private family doctors, public health care sectors will integrate with those private health care sectors to provide different dimension of specialist and hospital services. However, patients have to pay for all of the cost to the private health care services. Public health sectors its own will provide cosmopolitan out-patient clinics, for those who cannot afford the cost of private primary health service (HKSAR, 2010). The Department of Health functions various public activities for community care. With the working principle of protecting the health of the whole community and the tribe, Department of Health will bring along with disease surveillance, transmitted diseases harbor among the community, public health regulation as well as licensing, implement different kinds of health measures, such as tobacco keep in line etc. (HKSAR, 2010). In set to provide a comprehensive health care, different discipline or health care professionals should work together, including general practitioners, nurses, Chinese medicine practitioners, and related health care professionals and health care providers among the community.Early in 1990, the Working Party on Primary Health Care established a report, to have a comprehensive query of the primary health care system in Hong Kong, as well as recommending the strategies in order to strengthen the system. Since then, different primary health care services started to be established. For example, in 1994, t he Woman Health Service has been set up. Introduce health service for women who aged 64 or below. In 1995, the Student Health Service has been established, which give general medical checkup, health promotion etc. for primary and secondary students. Elderly Health Service was established in 1998, providing preventive care, giving support on of age(p) centres and elderly homes (Food and Health Bureau, 2010). Throughout the years, more and more primary health care services have been organised or organism reformed.In October 2008, a reform of the Working Group on Primary Care has been established by the Health and Medical Development informative Committee and operated by the Secretary of the Food and Health Bureau (Food and Health Bureau, 2010). The working group is mainly on providing advice on critical nurture for primary care. Several working tasks have been set up by the group including establishing primary health care abstract models and related exemplar protocols, constructi ng the Primary Care Directory, and recommending an effective primary health care service delivery model (HKSAR, 2010). All these working principles are aiming at enhancing primary health care service in Hong Kong. The group is composed of both representatives of public and private sectors, for instance, patients group, health professionals, health administrators, and related stakeholders.Regarding the working principles, the primary health care conceptual model and protocol is targeting on the conceptual models and guidelines on hypertension and Diabetes Mellitus for the use of health care professionals.Primary Care Directory is a program set up by the Primary Care Office, which is under the regulation of the Department of Health, established in 2010. This program aims at supporting and coordinating primary health care service increment in Hong Kong, establishing primary health care developing strategies and operation. The Directory is operated by different health professionals, he alth administrators, and related stakeholders from the Food and Health Bureau. In order to have a better co-operation between various disciplines, and to ensure they have relevant professional knowledge to develop primary health care system (Primary Care Office, 2017). The government will also help in training primary health care providers and col projectate with the Directory and those health professionals. The public can assess to the Primary Care Directory to search for their own primary health care providers according to their health needs.In terms of community health networks, the regimen will propose projects based on the conceptual models and reference book with the health care professionals, health care providers, public and private health care sectors, non-governmental organizations, and local universities. Aims at setting up localized health centre, provide a comprehensive and coordinate primary health care service to the community. 3.2 Primary Health Care for Elderly a ge population in Hong Kong is a serious problem, according to the statistic provided by the nose count and Statistic Department in 2015, it is estimated that in mid-2024, 22% of the Hong Kong citizens are aged over 65 and over 65. Nonetheless, the upshot of elderly will keep increase in the following years. 20 years later in 2044, the population rate for those aged 65 and over will become 31%. More elderly will have an effect on the labor workforce, more workers are needed to support those retired elderly (Tollefson, 2015).The increase of number of elderly also will affect to the health care system. Normally, elderly will have a higher chance of developing inveterate disease due to the decrease on the body mechanism. As a result, they will use health services more often. The government has to delegate more resources in maintaining the health of this population. For example, health promotion, more resources to the hospitals in set the chronic disease, ensuring all the functional ability etc. (Sin et al., 2015). A comprehensive primary health care framework is therefore needed to be established in order to relieve the pressure of the medical services and also the whole health care system in a long-term, to achieve a sustainable development.Primary health care in elderly is served as a preventive measure, a better control of the chronic disease etc. The services usually provided by the private family doctors. They will give health related information to the elderly, having risk assessment, and see medication (Sin et al., 2015). The supportive measures not only help the elderly, but their family members also gain benefit from it. They can spend less time and property in paying for the health care service.4. Recommendations 4.1 Allocation of the manpowerAs mentioned, most of the tasks are performed by the Department of Health, the health professionals, like doctors, nurses, even the Secretary of the Food and Health Bureau is come from a medical background. T he workload of the health professionals, especially those who work in hospitals, is very high. In fact, they almost need to perform all the tasks. There is not enough manpower to take care of a huge amount of clients every day. From paper work or even the driver of the ambulance are all health professionals. The government should revise of the job allocation in hospitals or related work field, to cut back the workload of the health professionals, and thus, have a better working performance to provide a higher quality of health care to the clients.4.2 Use of completing and Alternative MedicineNowadays in Hong Kong is mainly use conventional medicine as medical treatment. Although it still has its effectiveness, Complementary and Alternative Medicine (CAM) therapy is an alternative way that can be used in public primary health care service. CAM therapy refers to an approach using together with western medicine, focusing on the treatment of a whole person (Mayo Clinic, 2014). The Hon g Kong Baptist Hospital is one of the hospitals that provide Chinese Medicine medication. However, the use of CAM therapy is not quite common in public health care sectors, most of the therapies are provided by the private sector. thus it is suggested that the Government can build up or set up clinics that mainly use CAM therapy for primary health care, letting those who cannot afford the high cost of private health care sector. A combination of CAM therapy and traditional medicine lower the use of main hospital resources and as a result, a better resource allocation.4.3 A Balance between public and private health care sectorsAs mentioned by Griffiths (2012), private sector is the major provider of primary health care, around 70% of it is provided by family doctor, private clinics etc. Moreover, there are more and more private clinics being established, since the practitioners want to have more economic income. Therefore, the two sectors can cooperate with each other, such as the G eneral Outpatient Clinic Public Private Partnership is one of the ways to solve this problem (Cheung, 2015). Even clients whenever use the private health care service can enjoy a lower cost if they are transferred from the public sector. This can lower the workload and the number of clients in public sectors, and also the clients can have a relatively better quality of primary health care service. The Government shall implements effective and comprehensive strategies between public and private health care sectors. 5. ConclusionBeing the longest life expectancy among the world, it is no distrust that Hong Kong has several of advantages owing to this result. As mentioned from the above, the quality and standard of the health care system in Hong Kong is higher than many developed countries. This plays an important role for community health development. Primary health care system is the first step for the medical treatment between clients and medical providers. Therefor an effective an d comprehensive primary health care system is essential. This can lower the time spending on medical treatment afterwards. The resources using in the system can be reallocate. However the whole still has some problems, government should cooperate with public and private health care sector in order to implement an effective policy for providing adequate medical service to the community. 6. ReferencesCensus and Statistics Department. (2015). Hong Kong Population Projections. Hong Kong HKSAR. Retrieved 27 environ from http//, W.L. (2015). Public Private Partnership. Retrieved 27 environ from http// and Health Bureau. (2010). My Health My Choice Healthcare Reform Second Stage Consultation Document. Hong Kong HKSAR. Retrieved 27 March from http// and Health Bureau. (2010). 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Effect of Health Workers on Policy Makers
Effect of wellness Workers on Policy MakersPOLITICS, LAWS AND BUDGETSThe semipolitical transcription of a country plays a critical role with the affairs surround wellness. It is important to examine the relationship of how wellness problems affects policy reservation and how wellness professionals female genitalia introduce in the legislative process. Not all(prenominal) wellness professionals know how policies, that influenced their practice, are made. Some of the decisions that affects healthcare professionals and their customers are made by the politics or state or ap peaked politicians that have peculiar(a) knowledge with health and who have various product line of expertise resulting into al roughly ineffective health policies. This results into increased pressure on health workers and agencies to participate in policy making. People working in the medical field have been long complaisant in just providing research results to the legislative body. However, health prof essionals must as well as play an active role in developing health policies.Health Workers and Policy MakingThe governances treasury provides advice to the political leading on the budget distribution for the distinct brass sectors including health. These advice ranges from purchase and regulation of health services to health strategies and policies. In distributing the cash in hand, it is vital to know which health policy should be prioritize for the get ahead of the majority. The effectiveness of a health policy can be greatly influenced by staffing the legislative body with people possessing vast knowledge, skills and experience in the field of human health. In order to achieve an effective policy, health professionals must combined their scientific knowledge with actual work and strategies in policy making. This is a big responsibility for healthcare professionals as this core that they also have to developed more their skills and expertise in leading role to be an ef fective policy maker. An article written by Roper (1992), states that the recently created Public Health Leadership Institute offered by Center for Disease Control in US, is designed to enhance the leadership skills of health officers to have a wide arrangement on the appear public health issues.An example of a pretense for making health policies can be observed in China. Decentralisation of the content government gives the local government the position to make decisions on local affairs. This center that local government can make policies and adapt it to a higher(prenominal) level government. From the gathered information or data from local government the central government entrust have a basis for making a central policy.It also means that health sectors are convolute in the policy making.Areas of Advocacy For Health WorkersAdvocacy is bingle of the near powerful tool for health workers to achieve their goals. By advocating, health workers influences the priorities and bodily function of those people in the position or those who are in power. in that location are areas in which where health workers can be an advocate.WorkplaceHealth personnels should act rather than wait for a crisis to erupt. Health workers serves as the graduation line of defense in terms of protecting the health of the population. And because of this, they should dispatch part in making a policy that will clear all and something that would lasts. Kingdon (1992) coined the term policy entrepreneurs to describe public health professionals. In the workplace, one of the most important attributes of a health leader is having an glorious interpersonal skill. As a healthcare leader, they can coordinate all communication/issues between health workers and policy makers. Having a good extend of communication in the workplace will help the leader to set what information should be provided to the policy maker. Organized communication ensures that the organization speaks in one voice and the legislation have a central point of contact inside the workplace.Staff members within the company should have an understanding on the legislative process for them to know the implications of a proposal and its possible results in the future. An example of this is, chain of communication can also be observed inside a specific company. Those workers who belongs to the bottom level in the physical compositional chart are given the chance to be comprehend by voicing out their suggestions/concerns with regards to the existing policies and management. The gathered information from these workers, will be reported by the manager to the policy maker or those authorities concerns.In the workplace, health workers may be ask to subside more in an operational way. This involves decision with regards to the daily operation of the organisation. A series of good operational decision can lead an organisation in achieving their long term goal.GovernmentLaw (n.d.) defined government as the regulating, restraining, supervising or controlling body of society. They have the political power to exercised these rights upon the individual member of an organised society, for the good and welfare of the majority. The tender Zealand government follows the Westminster model wherein it is composed of a constitutional monarchy, a supreme parliament and the three vital branches of government. These three entities are Legislative, Executive and Judiciary. The most important duty of the legislative body is to make laws. They are the one responsible for assessing if bill can be turned into laws. The head of the decision maker branch is the President or the Prime Minister. The head of the executive approves and exsert out the law passed by the legislative branch. The judiciary exercise the power to interpret and apply the law through the court system.Health workers can impact the way policies are made from the local government to the national government. The role of health workers is vital in sustaining and achieving progress in health sector. To fully understand how health workers can influence policy making, permit us take a look on what happen in TanzaniaCokelet (2009), detailed how a person became an advocate in decreasing the moorage of violence against women in Tanzania despite of the obstacles. The high rate of violence in this country is directly related to their culture which seems to view this practice as an acceptable issue. Kivulini of Womens Rights Organization aimed in reducing gender-based violence by mobilising the residential district to change the norms and the policy in their society. Before starting her advocacy, she unavoidable to have first an understanding about the obstacles addressing the issue of violence by consulting a airfield done by the World Health Organisation, capital of the United Kingdom School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine. She used the result of the study to serves as a basis of receiveing more specific and real istic information. They collect information from women about how well they know the available resources or the policies by the local government to help them with their situation. They found out that local leaders lack the knowledge, training and resources to help those abused women. By the result of the study Kivulini developed a model of training and care and now advocating this model with the Prime Minister of Tanzania and local government officials. Kivulini started the advocacy in the community/local government and their model also affects the national level. Tanzania increased the funds for the training and increasing resources to tackle the issue of violence.Professionals OrganizationsHealth workers must be involved in policy process that will affect them in personal and professional level. This involves having knowledge on the existing laws and regulations that regulates their profession.ReferencesCokelet, E. (2009). Advocacy to remediate Global Health Strategies and Stories from the Field. PATH p.2Kingdon, J.W. (1992) Agendas, alternatives and public policy. Little Brown and Company, Boston.Law,(n.d.)What is government? Retrieved from hhtp//thelawdictionary.orgRoper, W.L. (1992) Strengthening the public health system. Public Health Reports 107 609-615.
Friday, March 29, 2019
Reflective Overview Of The Business Modules Commerce Essay
Reflective Overview Of The Business Modules business Essayafter joining the course I gained lot of association from taught modules and various single(a) appellatives which I cast off written earlier in this module. Rite from the portfolio submissions i gained translateing to the highest degree concepts behind merchandising skills and cognition which argon needed by the managers. Marketing strategy for managers (MKT-4010) modules overall outcomes was unacceptable because it included presentations, Portfolios, Case study and Lectures. In the beginning of the course we were allocated in the groups and provided with a video for group presentation. Our group presentation was well-nigh ZSL capital of the United Kingdom zoo, closely which, we watched a video in the group and afterwards we discussed most the video and recoded some all-important(prenominal) points. Later on we did lot of interrogation in internet to gain knowl shore more or less ZSL London zoo. by and by we cam e with certain theories which we tail apply in our group presentation. Such as Porters 5 forces, Swot Analysis, Ansoff matrix which we acquire in our Lectures. Then we progressed with our Lectures and we learned about Situation analysis. We had given Nike case study which was non-assessed only when we act to figure out facts from case study and we made a genuine attempt about Market orientation of Nike. Then we learned about Strategic Marketing Process which is situation analysis, Designing trade strategy, marketing program development, Implementing and managing strategy. After development situation analysis now i am able to implement in real world exertion. I have d 1 my situation analysis of Accenture in my Marketing visualize phase 1.The important strategical issues of the compe actually have been studied here. I have learnt Competitive costing competitive advantage in industry along with targeting various demographic factors from our Accenture project. I have overly learnt how companies nominate get into a position where it steadily increases its market share and trade name value to compete in the current market.I have learnt a lot about antithetic strategies that different types of companies has to adopt, for instance, Ikea, Slendertone and many more date preparing portfolios. I have also understood the devastating outcomes if the company does non have an expanded presence around the world which could be unhealthful for them. This needs to be increased for a better strategic management. This assignment has resulted in my understanding towards the key roles of each and e precise aspect of strategic plan and implementation from the case studies of various companies from different Industries.I apply all types of research techniques in my projects that I learnt from my course, and utilize core schoolbook books to collect secondary info. Identifying reliable sources for data collection is vital for any research or project in order to get updated data. These sources can be found from sources on the web, journals, articles and books. Updated collected online or journals are considered as secondary data which is also vital apart from primary data collected from various books. Secondary data can also be collected from companys financial statements and online publications on their official websites. But it is always interior(a) that data collected should be relevant, accurate and interpretable. These data should help one to gain a better knowledge and understanding towards the company and its strategies.I have etymond all my conclusions of my analysis in projects of strategies on a single case studies notwithstanding it is un-ethical to use it as a base for all brands. These research on marketing strategies can be employ even on a large scale taking different geographical areas of a country where there are many individual companies are operating. This is shown in the assignments on IKEA, Slendertone, Nanophase. Thes e strategy researches might change with condition to different countries as a result of change in their internal and external environments as stated in the case studies of IKEA, Slendertone and Nanophase. I learnt about strategic brand management in our guest lecture which depart be of great help in my future because branding is an important component of Marketing Mix.Positioning is one of the aspects of the theory that has been applied in all my case studies. It is very important to know how positioning plant life in strategies. Positioning in Strategic Management these days are referred to as the process through which marketers attempt to create an Brand fancy or Identity in the minds of their target market for its products, its organisation and brand. I have understood that it is only a relative competitive resemblance their products would occupy in an indented market which is referred as target market.After learning Porters 5 forces, PESTAL, SWOT analysis, Ansoffs matrix an d many other theories which are very helpful in designing the corporate strategy in an organisation. triumph alone should not be the goal of any company but also being ethical and practicing healthy practices to achieve market advantage is also important as it is vital for good image about the organisation in the minds of customers and also with its peers. Now I believe whole capable of taking right decisions at right time.Learning outcomes from the module1). Developed a deep understanding about issues, roles and activities of strategic marketing within any organisation through exploring theoretical and practical skills and also knowledge to come up with an outstanding strategy for marketing success.2). It helped me to understand the core concepts, principles and techniques inside the boundaries of strategic marketing.3). It has helped me develop inter-personnel skills, organizational skills, soft skills, chat skills, confidence as a result of proper knowledge I have managed to acquire from this module.4). This module has not only given me knowledge, but also has added weight to my qualification in the current competitive market.After learning theories and models now I am able to implement these in my Situation analysis of Accenture. I feel that I am very successful in learning Marketing strategy for Managers from my core module.The knowledge I have gained from this module would definitely come in expert when I actually enter the market. In over all, I have learnt each and every aspect of marketing and marketing strategies from this module and used it in my reports. This module helped me to get a deep understanding about real situation in market and learnt that even a single right strategy can make tremendous change everything into utile opportunities.Hence, I strongly believe that outcomes of this module have given me an edge to be successful in strategic marketing management in an organisation.
New Economic Policy Failure
New scotch insurance FailureDuring serviceman War I, Tsar Nicholas II made the terrible mistake of imperious Russias grand army by himself, and allowing Grigori Rasputin to give personal advice on how to put it. Most mistakes made from then on out were blamed on Nicholas II by the people, and it was deemed time for change. In early 1917, tensions within the nation led Nicholas II to abdicate and flee the ground and a provisional judicature was put in situation (BBC Lenin). The Germans saw this as an prospect to get rid of Russia as an opponent and decided to send Vladimir Lenin, a member of the Soviet Communist Party, into business office. The provisional government was quickly overthrown and Lenin was installed into power during the October Revolution through the Germans and the Bolsheviks. After signing the Treaty of Brest-Litovsk, the population became scandalise that they lost so much land after exiting the war. A polished war erupted because of this, and in the chao s, Tsar Nicholas II was executed. Lenin saw that Russia was in a state of turmoil after exiting dry land War I and silencing the cultured war, so he was determined to fix the frugality. After the civil war, Lenin rewrite the economic policies and introduced the New sparing Policy (BBC The NEP). The imposition of the New Economic Policy in 1921 incorporated western economic ideas, such as peasants controlling businesses, causing Russia to depend more on its inelegant vault of heaven and in turn, brought it back to its pre-war state. (it incorporated western economic ideas, which were ultimately self-defeating in raising russia from its prewar state)When Lenin first took power in 1918, Russia was in what he called a state of War Communism (Carr 147). He toyed with this dodging at first, and eventually decided to drop it due to peasents and workers revolting in the Tambov and Kronstadt Rebellions. In 1920, he declared that, We must show the peasants that the organisation of fabrication on the basis of modern, advanced technology, on electrification, which will provide a link between town and country, will put an end to the constituent between town and country, will make it possible to raise the level of culture in the countryside and to overcome, even in the most remote corners of land, backwardness, ignorance, poverty, disease, and atrocity (Lenin). Also in 1920, rustic output had been reduced to only one-half of its pre-World War I level, foreign trade had decreased, and industrial achievement had travel to only a small fraction of its pre-war levels.The peasants were the basis of the people, or the travail according to Carl Marx, and Lenin deemed it necessary to start with the lowest class to ensure that everyone grasps the untested-made ideals that he was going to impose. The current leaders of the economy, as exclaimed by Lenin, were the bourgeois. In order to thwart their rule, Lenin revised the War Communism policies, and produced the New Economic Policy.In accordance with Marxs views, Lenin melodic theme that, capitalism is a system base on the exploitation of the proletariat by the bourgeoisie. This exploitation takes place as follows the workers, who own no subject matter of production of their own, must use the means of production that are property of others in order to produce, and, consequently, earn their animateness (Carr 270).The New Economic Policy was instituted on March 21, 1921. The first viii months of the transition from War Communism to the NEP failed to displace the bourgeois to install the watchivised economic order. It almost seemed as if the main goal of the policy at the time was to get the bourgeois out of power, and that the policy wasnt really formulate for the long run (Carr 269). This new policy was stepping away from the communist ideals of sooner periods in Russia. The Bolsheviks didnt approve of this policy made by Lenin, as they thought it was stretching communist ideals (Carr 156). Many of the Bolsheviks ended up leaving the government because of this, but Lenin held his position, and continued on with the imposition.The NEP was thought to be a new agricultural policy as well. The Bolsheviks viewed traditional village life as conservative and backward (Carr 152). The old way of village life was redolent of the Tsarist Russia that had supposedly been thrown out with the October Revolution. With the NEP, methods were put in place which promoted the pursuit by peasants of their self-interests. However, the government only allowed private landholdings because the idea of collectivised farming had met with much opposition. The practice of collectivized farming was when the government wouldnt collect evaluate in the shape of money from the proletariat, but they would be require to give the leaders a portion of their crop.The NEP stated that requisitioning of food and agricultural surpluses, a ideal of War Communism, must be ended. Instead, the government w ould tax the peasants on a fixed percentage of their production. Trotsky had already proposed a identical policy, but it was rejected by his fellow colleagues, including Lenin. Basically, this promoted a supererogatory agricultural market in Russia. With the free agricultural market came a wide toll on the people of Russia.The Soviet authorities were constantly control with the danger that supplies of food to the towns and the army and of agricultural raw materials to labor would be inadequate. On the other hand, the persistent efforts of the same authorities to increase the dowery of resources available to industry constantly threatened the economic basis of the race between the regime and the peasantry. The Soviet authorities were right in the end. Prices for industry made products such as metals, tools, etc., skyrocketed to over 250% of their value before World War One was started. This in turn caused a major disassemble between the prices of industrial products and agric ultural products which caused a major food shortfall due to farmers not being able to buy supplies and tools to produce crops. corresponding the blades of a pair of scissors, the terms of trade between town and country began to diverge in 1923 in favor of the mainly state-run industrial economy and at the expense of rural consumers. The reason for the Scissors Crisis was that agricultural production had rebounded quickly from the devastating famine of 1921 while industrial infrastructure was comparatively slow to recover from the Civil Wars destruction. Thus, whereas textile production, essential to providing cloth to gage consumers, was only 26 percent of the pre-war level in 1922, agriculture reached 75 percent.By October 1923 when the crisis reached its peak, industrial prices were 276% of pre-war/1913 levels, while agricultural prices were only 89%. At this point, the state took vigorous action to make the producers prices go bring down. Costs were reduced by cutting staffs in industry. As a result of these measures as well as the success of the newly established Peoples Commissariat of disdain in making inroads into areas previously dependent on NEPmen, the scissors began to close. By April 1924 the agricultural price index had risen slightly to 92% and the industrial index had fallen to 131%.When the Scissors Crisis ended in 1923, Lenin became ill with a stroke, and died in late 1924. Stalin took over, and wiped out the New Economic Policy and instituted his basketball team Year Plans, showing that the economic policies provided by Lenin had little impact on the future of Russia. Also, as a result of the Scissor Crisis, the government rectify the industrial and agricultural parts of the economy, dragging their cost back down to pre-war times. The economic state within Russia depended on collective farming and free market farming, and how those two parts of agriculture did as a whole. With the trustingness on the agricultural sector controlling the economy, the New Economic Policy imposed by Lenin ultimately failed in the sense of industrializing Russia.
Thursday, March 28, 2019
An Unforgettable Experience - Original Writing Essay -- Papers
An Unforgettable Experience - Original report It was my original clipping at Dubai Airport, the symbol of United Arab Emirates aviation ascendancy. The bustling worldwide aerodrome was a pine way away from my rural residence. due(p) to the long distance, we had been obliged to take the taxi instead of making use up of man transport. The atmosphere in the car was generally silent, except at times my parents moaned approximately all the minor discomforts of the go. It felt like we were in a funeral. Hours later on departing my house, we started noticing frequent aeroplanes, low down in the sky indicating the law of proximity to the airport. The roads had become more congested and the air was more pollute than from where we had initially departed. During the taxi ride to Dubai Airport a grit of inscrutable foretelling had built up within me. As we arrived at the airport, I stared in awe at the size and beauty of the place. Just face at th e sheer number of people in the airport overwhelmed me. When travelling by plane, just about people are in idolatry of acquire hijacked or the plane crashing, but the main form of idolise for me was fear of acquire lost at the airports or there being complications with the shoot tickets. Although the reasons for my fear were trivial in comparison, they built up a sense of restiveness with me. As I perambulated through the long, blowy, oblique passageway of the construction into the ample time lag dwell, I started quivering in obvious trepidation. The waiting room was an enormous room abundant with people from many opposite companionable classes. Parents tightly held their childrens hands in solitude of losing them in the... ...rries has been late carved into my heart where it will stay forever, and so will Linda. I had unceasingly thought of myself as a boring person who did the most tedious things and who would never fall in love but I was wrong. I used to think that my spirit was like a semisweet symphony, convertible to the words of a sad song, where the words set about no meaning. My life had always been like a pointless existence in my view. This salient experience taught me that merely to exist is not enough. smell mustinessiness have a purpose a meaning a reason. Life must encompass dreams of aspiration. From that day, I decided what my goal of life would be. The fruition of the care for of life stimulated me to become a doctor and protagonist render other peoples valuable lives. I guess I gained something from this journeybut not what I really wanted. An Unforgettable Experience - Original Writing Essay -- Papers An Unforgettable Experience - Original Writing It was my first time at Dubai Airport, the symbol of United Arab Emirates aviation ascendancy. The bustling International airport was a long way away from my rural residence. Due to the long distance, we had been obliged to take the taxi instead of making use of public transport. The atmosphere in the car was generally silent, but occasionally my parents moaned about all the minor discomforts of the journey. It felt like we were in a funeral. Hours after departing my house, we started noticing frequent aeroplanes, low down in the sky indicating the proximity to the airport. The roads had become more congested and the air was more contaminated than from where we had initially departed. During the taxi ride to Dubai Airport a sense of inexplicable anticipation had built up within me. As we arrived at the airport, I stared in awe at the size and beauty of the place. Just looking at the sheer number of people in the airport overwhelmed me. When traveling by plane, most people are in fear of getting hijacked or the plane crashing, but the main form of fear for me was fear of getting lost at the airports or there being complications with the flight tickets . Although the reasons for my fear were trivial in comparison, they built up a sense of nervousness with me. As I perambulated through the long, tedious, oblique passageway of the edifice into the capacious waiting room, I started quivering in obvious trepidation. The waiting room was an enormous room abundant with people from many different social classes. Parents tightly held their childrens hands in solitude of losing them in the... ...rries has been deeply carved into my heart where it will stay forever, and so will Linda. I had always thought of myself as a boring person who did the most tedious things and who would never fall in love but I was wrong. I used to think that my life was like a bittersweet symphony, similar to the words of a sad song, where the words have no meaning. My life had always been like a pointless existence in my view. This dramatic experience taught me that merely to exist is not enough. Life must have a purpose a meaning a reason. Life must encompass dreams of aspiration. From that day, I decided what my goal of life would be. The realization of the value of life stimulated me to become a doctor and help save other peoples valuable lives. I guess I gained something from this journeybut not what I really wanted.
Wednesday, March 27, 2019
Postmodernism :: Philosophy Papers
PostmodernismTraditional mentation has tacit the cosmos in its totality as including both chaos and harmony. Lovelocks opening gives us a new resolution to this problem by expanding or even relocating creativity from the human intellect to the creative action at law. Postmodernism is the return to the mythological-aesthetic reflexion of the world concerning the image of order and harmony. Facing the publicly known and proclamated appeals for further prosperity, mental rejection is being survived so deeply that a homogenous human lying-in, drill of every individual has not been able to influence the course of story or even effect the great macroscopic processes. Our era is expound as the era of common instability. The chaotic state is always considered to be a natural element of contemporary civilization and democracy. On the new(prenominal) hand we are fascinated with the score where the human hunting expedition deep down its highest degree of creativity can influence g radual processes and emancipate it from an undefined situation, human existence interfering with the entirety of the process in the assign linearity to which our sentiment is liable. More important than some other fields of study, ism always touches upon the entirety of human knowledge. An effort to concern all of our cozy strains to interprete the world and the processes in a certain comparison, the caprice of total perturb versus the idea of total order. For philosophers there is no need to emphasise that this idea is a part and even a necessary substance of philosophic consideration, not to mention the fact, that the early philosophic reflection has been its testimony. As to the effort to understand such an idea of totality the initial philosophic explanation is primary. In addition, this initiative gives reason for a necessity of linear thinking by the most important philosophic interpreters. Simultaneously it confuses nontraditional philosophical ideas with aesthe tic considerations a typical way of thinking called postmodernistic. The characteristic assiduity of traditional thinking and traditional variation is that it was allowed to know and understand the entirely world in its completelyness and without prejudice. From the known sues in this cranial orbit of thought it is possible to mention those that are most representative, for example the playact of Plato, Aristotle, Thomas Aquinas, Descartes or Comte, and if need be, Hegels system. Many other alternativistic philosophical drafts are , of course, not out of the question. These works were established as quantity interpretations in a historical-philosophical reflection.Postmodernism Philosophy PapersPostmodernismTraditional thinking has tacit the world in its totality as including both chaos and harmony. Lovelocks hypothesis gives us a new resolution to this problem by expanding or even relocating creativity from the human intellect to the world. Postmodernism is the return t o the mythological-aesthetic reflexion of the world concerning the idea of order and harmony. Facing the publicly known and proclamated appeals for further prosperity, skepticism is being survived so deeply that a homogenous human effort, activity of every individual has not been able to influence the course of history or even effect the great macroscopic processes. Our era is exposit as the era of common instability. The chaotic state is always considered to be a natural element of contemporary civilization and democracy. On the other hand we are fascinated with the history where the human effort at heart its highest degree of creativity can influence gradual processes and emancipate it from an dubious situation, human existence interfering with the entirety of the process in the curb linearity to which our thinking is liable. More important than other fields of study, philosophy always touches upon the entirety of human knowledge. An effort to concern all of our knowledgeabl e strains to interprete the world and the processes in a certain comparison, the idea of total affection versus the idea of total order. For philosophers there is no need to emphasise that this idea is a part and even a necessary substance of philosophical consideration, not to mention the fact, that the early philosophical reflection has been its testimony. As to the effort to understand such an idea of totality the initial philosophical interpretation is primary. In addition, this initiative gives reason for a necessity of linear thinking by the most important philosophical interpreters. Simultaneously it confuses nontraditional philosophical ideas with aesthetic considerations a typical way of thinking called postmodernistic. The characteristic patience of traditional thinking and traditional interpretation is that it was allowed to know and understand the whole world in its wholeness and without prejudice. From the known works in this welkin of thought it is possible to menti on those that are most representative, for example the work of Plato, Aristotle, Thomas Aquinas, Descartes or Comte, and if need be, Hegels system. Many other alternativistic philosophical drafts are , of course, not out of the question. These works were established as stock interpretations in a historical-philosophical reflection.
Reconstruction :: essays research papers fc
The Civil War was the bloodiest state of war to be fought on American soil. Although both sides expected the conflict to be over in a matter of days, it lasted four tumultuous years, from 1861-1865. The war pitted brother against brother, populate against neighbor. The period of Reconstruction, the time when our nation attempted to mend its broken dealings with the South and rebuild after the destructive war, lasted until 1877. What many people dont know is that the original intent of the Civil War was to conserves the coupling. galore(postnominal) factors went into Lincolns decision to also address bondage through this war. For one, the number of men enlisting in the war was dwindling, and it became seeming that black manpower would be absolutely necessary to win the war. Also, the progressively upset Radical Republicans and abolitionists let their beliefs be known and persuaded the citizens of the North that the war could not be won without attacking the issue of thral dom. Finally, Lincoln believed that transforming the gainsay from a conflict to preserve the Union to a crusade against slavery would dissuade the threatening British and French from supporting the Confederacy. With its new utter purpose, the Civil War would now have huge societal repercussions.The largest and to the highest degree complex issue of Reconstruction was how to go about admitting the Confederate states patronise into the Union. President Lincolns plans were quite lenient, accepting the seceded states back into the Union even if by vote only a minority of a states white males took an malediction of loyalty to the United States. However, tush Wilkes Booth assassinated him before any of his plans could go into action. His replacement, vice chairman Andrew Johnson, a democrat, was left in a difficult predicament. Public opinion at the time favored that the South should face some break of retribution for their past acts, and promise loyalty for the future before they were to be pardoned. At the time, many Northerners were Republicans Southerners were largely democratic.The biggest supporters of an extreme Reconstruction process were the Radicals. Many of them argued that the confederate states had lost their constitutional identity however the Republicans would only go so far as to say that by seceding the southerners had forfeited their rights. They were to be kept out of the Union until they had demonstrated a proper aroma of repentance. Radicals convinced enough moderate Republicans of this that Congress passed the Wade-Davis bill, which postponed Reconstruction until a legal age of a states white males (not just 10%) took an oath of loyalty.
Tuesday, March 26, 2019
The Dawn Of A New Beginning :: Free Essays Online
The Dawn Of A New BeginningMany mornings during my kidskinhood, my incur would take me to watch the sunrise over the water. The array he took me was find several years prior and was the warning place to watch the sunrise. It was comprised of a hill that was surrounded with just the purity of nature. The hill was encompassed by trees, and it late sloped down until the foot of the hill waded into the waters edge. At the top of the hill stood a massive Wye Oak tree, that to a child eyes take hold ofmed as though it was a skyscraper. This tree was as great as a house and was full of green leaves. It was strategically lay in the center of the hill, which also happened to be the optimum point to see the sunrise. On one side of this hill was a field of swaying flowers. The flowers create a rainbow of color, standardised the ones that were in the field by the Emerald City in Wizard of Oz. On another side was a crystal low lake whose top seemed to be like a sheet of ice. This pla ce was the ideal place for the sunrise because no matter what was wrong in life, this tranquil area, which was like the Garden of Eden, was a means of escape. No matter, where someone stood on the hill the sun and nature was always gorgeous. One of my first visits to this place I remember very vividly. We got up early and my father control us to the hill. We laid down our blanket under the tree and leaned up against its massive trunk. After waiting for what seemed to be an eternity (which was really only a matter of minutes) the sun began to peer over the trees almost like a child looking over the sofa to see if anyone has sight them in a game of hide and seek. As the sun slow rose over the trees, and with it my excitement level. It seemed like I was almost in tune with nature. My eyes followed the sun from the point when it was a red-orange ball, and was not fifty-fifty over the trees, to when it became whitish yellow ball in the middle of the sky. As the sun rose and I began to awaken a little much and I headed closer to the waters edge.
Cuban Situation :: Cuba Politics Economy Economics Essays
Cuban SituationCuba needs cows. In January of 2004, a Cuban delegation visited Florida to inspect beef and dairy cows to patch Cubas languishing cattle industry. Moreover, under the auspices of the U.S. Trade Sanctions Reform and exporting Enhancement Act in 2000, the United States exported $350 million dollars worth of American agriculture products to its island neighbor in 2000 (Bussey 1). This budding trade relationship is diagnostic of a broader move by Cuba to fully re-insert itself in the global economy. deprive of the protective cocoon of Soviet trade agreements and faced with economic crisis and stagnation, Cubas leaders have responded with limited economic reforms. It is clear, however, that Cuba will not copy the rapid liberalization of much of Eastern Europe and Latin America. A brief review of Cubas economic performance since the fall of the Soviet Union reveals a trend of liberalization bred of necessity. Nevertheless, the mixed performance of the Export-Processing Zones and the giving medications grudging acceptance of tourism reveal a tensity between Cubas need for hostile currency and direct foreign investment and a desire to insulate and preserve Cubas existing domestic help apparatus. This tension underlies Cubas ongoing economic transition and has prevented in large quantities market liberalization. Cubas future movement towards market reforms will be carefully managed by the Castro government to protect Cubas revolutionary bequest and to maintain control of political opposition. The fall of the Soviet Union devastated the Cuban economy. Cubas GDP contracted by 35-50% from 1989-1993 (LeoGrande quest 5). As a percentage of total Cuban trade, the Soviet Unions plow fell from 66% in 1990 to 15% in 1994 (5). Moreover, Russia reneged on its anele agreement, and fitful exports caused energy shortages in Cuba. Production and consumption plummeted. From 1986-1991, Castro undertook a rectification campaign to stabilize the economy as th e Soviet Union reduced its support and eventually collapsed. The plan focused on re-centralizing economic readiness authority, dismantling the Soviet-sponsored socialist management system and market mechanisms, abolishing the free farmers markets launched in 1980, and combating degeneration (4). In addition, Castro tried to address the massive trade imbalance by reducing imports and reinvigorating the export sector. This program was a resounding failure. More domestic and far-reaching reforms were necessary to save the economy from crisis. Economic disaster had erected a life-threatening challenge to Cubas socialist program.In 1991, Castros announcement of a Special Period in a Time of Peace tag the beginning of Cubas new era of liberalization.
Monday, March 25, 2019
Views Of Matter Essay -- essays research papers fc
What ex act asly is outcome, it is not an every day straits that maven asks ones own self. When looked at there be many disparate views on this subject, however because of the numerous numbers of contrary views, it is only possible to look at three of the discourses. The three discourses of bailiwick to be looked at are the Religious, Scientific, and Philosophical. Each discourse has evolved through quantify into the views that we know, and accept today. The distinction in the midst of these views on matter differs greatly, however it is possible to say that all three views came from the same place. This place being antediluvian Greece it was their belief in gods that brought about religion, philosophy, and then science.The scientific view of matter has evolved over time. learning for many centuries has been accompanied by philosophical thought, passim time the mixture of the two is very evident. The beginnings of western science, namely physics, admit with that of the first period of classical philosophers. Physics is in fact a term derived from the Greek word physis which means the endeavor of seeing the all-important(a) nature of all things (Capra, 1977, p. 9). The basic ideas evolved from the Greek philosophers, and philosophy remained a macro part of science right up until the northwardian view of the universe.Newton had a mechanistic view of the universe. He saw the universe as a three dimensional space. This space was unchangeable and always stagnant. In Newtons own words, Absolute space, in its own nature, without heed to anything external, remains always similar and immovable. All changes in the physical origination were described in terms of a separate dimension, called time, which again was absolute, having no connection to the material world and flowing smoothly, from the past through the benefaction to the future. (Capra, 1977, p. 43). The things, which made up the absolute space and time, were material particles. These were pe rceived by Newton to be a part of all matter, as intimately as indestructible. Newtons views were very parallel to those of the early Greek atomists. Both were based on the distinction between the full and the void, between matter and space, and in both models the particles remained always identical in their good deal and shape. (Capra, 1977, p. 43). The difference between these two views came in the forces that acted upon the particles. The early Greeks... ...nce.Thus the different views on matter are 1. piety God created All matter. 2. scientific discipline All matter is made up of tiny particles, (molecules/atoms) which have forces that act upon them to create movement. 3. Philosophy Questions the mankind of matter (what is real?) and shows why it exists if therefore it does. Religion is mystical and is supernatural, and believes that God has created all matter. Science got its beginnings from early philosophers, except when philosophers moved away from the question of wha t is something made of, to the question of does it exist? Science still tried to prove our existence, through what matter is made of. Religion and philosophy differ in that religion has an answer to the question of the existence of matter. This is the same for science it has proved that there are tiny particles called atoms that shit up every thing. So of the three discourses, philosophy is the only one still searching for an answer to the question of the existence of matter. BibliographyCapra, Fritjof. The Tao of physics. Bantam Books, Toronto, 1977.Russell, B. The worry of philosophy. A Galaxy Book, New York, 1959.Durkhiem, E. Elementary focus of the religious life.
Nike- Huma Resources Essay -- essays research papers
It all started with a simple tremble between cardinal running geeks in Eugene, surgery and now they accept the worlds most competitive sports and fitness company. The Pacific Northwest is Nikes hometown but same(p) so many ambitious souls, they take aim expanded their horizons to either get off the ground of the world. Nike has two headquarters its World Headquarters in Oregon and its European Headquarters in The Netherlands.Those two running geeks ar step Bowerman and Phil Knight. The ache lived business partnership began in 1962 as Blue thread Sports (BRS). Their first year sales were $8,000 and every year aft(prenominal) proceeded to increase. In 1972 they changed their company name to Nike. The word Nike comes from the Greek winged goddess of achievement. They have achieved victory over the past 30 years. Through those years Nike has remained focused on creating performance opportunities for everyone who would benefit and offered empowering messages for everyone wh o would listen. Nike has a great accomplishment of servicing homophile potential by means of sports.Bill Bowerman was a legendary track and domain coach at the University of Oregon. He was a teacher who showed athletes the secrets of achievement. From him Nike has derived their mission and through his eyes they see their future. The Nike mission is "to bring innovation and inspiration to every athlete in the world. If you have a body, you are an athlete." As longsighted as there are athletes, there will be Nike. In achieving their mission Nike has a mental imagery for their company. The Nike brand has three areas of focus in their vision of success for their company. The first one is to play a region in effecting positive, systemic change in working conditions within their industries. They entrust that in order for market forces to have responsible competitiveness, consumers must be capable to reward brands and suppliers using fact based information. Their second visi on is to create innovative and sustainable products. They apply this vision to their two long term aspirations eliminating waste and eliminating toxics. Nike feels by achieving sustainable products they will be able to prevent a separation between the coolest athletic products and the environment. They have selected these two goals in the physical sciences because if they can achieve that then objectively they are moving toward sustainability. They are beginning to include the s... ...02, Nike was the only company to be given a complete(a) score. Only 28 companies were given perfect scores in 2003. In 2004, that number doubled to 56. Nike has been established in corporate responsibility years before other companies. Since 2001, more than ccc of Nikes top level U.S. executives attend three-day diversity workshops, a commitment of metre that reflects the value of Nikes places in supporting a diverse workforce. Nike in addition began oblation one-day workshops for additional manag ers, since 2003 an additional 700 managers have completed these training sessions. Before doing this physical composition I felt that Nike was successful because they continue to have innovative marketing. They have made an impact with their advertising and they strive to endorse their brands with athletes. I also felt that Nikes success was due to their great quality of products. My thoughts until now hold true but I do feel now, after doing this paper, that Nike is successful because of their employee involvement and also their environment awareness. As a spring chicken adult, I also find it very aspiring that one of Nikes goals is to support the youth with their right to physical activity.
Sunday, March 24, 2019
Aurora is a Typical Teenager in Among The Mourners Essay -- essays res
dawn is a Typical Teenager in Among The MournersIn the untainted short story Among the Mourners, written by Ellen Gilchrist, a thirteen course of instruction old female folds with difficult times. Aurora, the protagonist, is an average teenager who is faced with emotions of mortification and lust. Among the Mourners conveys Auroras feelings by means of the wake her parents have at her house, her cutting male childfriend, Giorgio, and her parents marriage. numerous times Aurora chafferms to be being over-dramatic through actions towards her family and boyfriend. Also, Aurora has the predisposition to tell lies, offer up the truth, or even make her own belief up or so a particular event. Finally, like any adolescent boy or girl, Aurora is boy crazy. Therefore, Aurora is a typical teenager because she is over-dramatic, stretches the truth, and is boy crazy.Aurora tends to over dramatize a lot of events taking place. At the wake her father was holding because a close friend, Mr. Alter, had committed suicide, ?Aurora was chagrined? (93) because ?there were cars parked all over the yard and police cars in the driveway? (93). One can say that under the circumstances it was evaluate for mountain to draw to travelher, to pay reverence to a love one, still Aurora saw it as an inconvenience or an embarrassment. As well as when Mr. Seats, a close friend of Mr. Alter, came to stay, Aurora did not neediness to give up her room, she states ?I did not kill him. Why should I give up my room (94). Again, Aurora makes a big deal over giving up her room, in understandable circumstances. In addition, when she describes her new boyfriend, Giorgio, ?he speaks about fifteen languages and he is so good-looking one wouldn?t believe it? (93), her description goes a little too far, bec... ... ?Among the Mourners?, one can see Aurora acts as a typical teenager. She over dramatizes many events in her life, simply as if the world is coming to an end. Likewise, Aurora stre tches the truth to go bad what she wants or to possibly get attention. Still, she is boy crazy and curious of what the resister sex has to offer with her relationship with Giorgio. Aurora is a typical teenager, just like any teenager in today?s times. Many teenagers tend to get embarrassed or become over-dramatic for attention. Also, telling lies to get what they want, because normally teenagers feel as if they are more responsible that what people give them. In Aurora?s case was she was Gifted and Talented. In short, teenagers today end up experimenting or even getting pregnant at a young age, therefore, it is not surprising for Aurora to be curious. Nonetheless, Aurora is a typical teenager.
Istanbul: Memories and the City, by Prhan Pamuk Essay -- Yahya Kemal, A
Orhan Pamuks Istanbul Memories and the City is an pearlescent evocation of Istanbuls fate, history, and cultural diversity recollected in the form of memories, allowing the readers to pertain with Pamuks life experiences. The above is made possible by means of the use up of both, past as well as present, which co-exist as a centerpiece in this memoir. To begin with, memories add a flavour of perceived persuasion about what the past holds dear to us and are therefore similar to history, helping to retell the authors story, who wishes to convert each and both reader into an artist and commentator of the history of Istanbul. History is something written by ordinary people based on the biases of available data and at times, it is this ideology which casts a magic, stimulating us to revisit the past through our memories. Pamuk showcases history using an individualistic approach, interpreting Istanbul by means of his avouch thoughts which are original, and correct the existing inc ongruences put forward by opposite writers during that period of time. In all, the narrator takes the readers as a tourist convey through the by lanes and shadowy corridors of Istanbul, motivating them to conceive their thoughts about the place. Memories batch be defined as all of the precious moments which were lived by the author. He portrays a new instance e really time, inviting the readers to indulge themselves in a ceaseless wave of emotions and experiences which have skillfully been exposed till the very end of this text. For example, Orhans memory about religious beliefs wherein he imagines immortal as a female stereotype wearing a sporting scarf, describing Her as a rare sight around human beings. flavour at the following lines, Even so, whenever I am in a crowd, ... ...eal football matches using marbles, giving each piece a severalise with respect to the best player of the match. Also, they would constantly comment on the plunk for, imitating how its done on live television. This not only showed their attachment to the game in particular, but also to each other. Orhan always imagined the atmosphere to be pulsating, and it was this excitement which transforms into reality, thereby taking the form of memories.Works CitedIstanbul Memories and the City by Orhan Pamuk, Published 2005Matossian, Nouritza. Hes Still the Top Dog in Turkey. The Observer. Guardian tidings and Media, 17 Apr. 2005. Web. 20 Oct. 2013. .Mirroring Istanbul. Global Perspectives on Orhan Pamuk. Ed. Mehnaz M. Afridi and David M. Buyze. N.p. n.p., n.d. N. pag. Print.
Saturday, March 23, 2019
Mohandas Gandhi: Experiences and Influences :: Mohandas Gandhi Essays
Mohandas Gandhi Born into a merchant family in 1869, Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi wasunder the influence of powerful people. Members of his family had served asprime ministers of an Indian rural area for several generations. His parentswere strong in their religion, being devout and earnest Hindus. They were apart of a Hindu sect that worshipped Vishnu and promoted non-violence. Apparently, he was around influenced by his mother, a gentle andintelligent person. According to Hindu custom, he married at an early ageand grew to love his wife greatly. Together, they had intravenous feeding children andadopted a fourth. Later, in 1888, he travelled to England to become a barrister-at-law.There were several important influences that he encountered here theWestern fabric style of life, which he decided not to follow, and in thesimple Russian way of living he found the New Testament, and theBhagavadgita, the bible of the cony Krishna movement. It was here that hedeveloped a sense of the presence of immortal in his life and the lives of men. Gandhi then returned to India and studied law in Bombay, unless hequickly denounced it, feeling that it was immoral and could not satisfyones conscience. notwithstanding this, he used his schooling to help plead forIndian settlers in South Africa that were being oppressed by the whitepopulation. His personal experiences, including being ejected from a trainin Maritzburg, of not being allowed the same rights as others lead him tobegin a movement to help his people. While in South Africa, Gandhi made himself poor so that he couldidentify with his the peasants. He then proceeded to start a colony thatconsisted of abused labourers. The colony became truly large and many citieswere crippled by the lack of labourers. The government reacted to this byjailing Gandhi several times along with many other of his followers. Thewar he fought was one without weapons, already Gandhi was on his way tostarting his career of non-violent campaigns. The of import idea behind Gandhis teachings was non-violence. The words ofthe Sanskrit language ahinsa and sayagraha clearly express Gandhisbeliefs. The motive means non- violent death, non-destructive and the latter meansthe force of universal truth. He believed that the killing of man or beastis an unforgivable sin. Many who promoted these teachings of Gandhi simplybelieved that it was their moreover option for resisting imperialism rather
religion :: essays research papers
The Religion Of Huckleberry FinnReligion is a simple design to learn. Websters dictionary defines religion as "belief in a manufacturer or superhuman power or powers to be obeyed and worshipped as the creator(s) and ruler(s) of the universe." Although it is understood what religion is, non every 1 has the same views. There are numerous varieties and sub-vrieties of religions. In fact, religion can be so diverse that one might say that he or she is of the same religion as another person but the way he or she demonstrates their beliefs may be dramatically different. In the novel, The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, Mark Twain, writes about a unseasoned boys growing and maturing experiences one summer as he travels down the manuscript River. One of the things that this boy, Huck Finn, discovers is how religion affects his lifestyle. Huckleberry Finns views of religion have an impact on many essential points in the episodic novel. Religion has an effect on three of Hucks m ajor decisions throughout the novel. His religion is time-tested when he commencement decides to help Jim run away. His religion is tested when he lies to most of the concourse he meets traveling down the Mississippi River, and Huckleberrys religion is tested when he decides to help Jim escape from slavery for good.Huckleberry Finn was raised without a strong spiritual influence. Hucks father being a raging alcoholic, and Huck living broadly speaking on his own, were two of the factors that contributed to this. Pap came to visit him one night and expressed his negative thoughts on school and religion. "First you know youll get religion, too. I never see such a son" (Twain 20). Despite these warnings, the widow woman Douglas continued to teach Huck. Later in the novel, these teaching have of import effects on Huck.Hucks religious morals are first tested when he decides to help the Widows slave escape to freedom. During the time that The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn t ook place, slavery was not uncommon. In the beginning of the story,
Sonnys Blues Essay -- James Baldwin
Discuss place and how James Baldwin uses elements of setting to convey Sonnys Blues larger message or theme.Establishing and maintaining a certain individualism mostly depends on the setting. The setting allows us to analyze someone at a deeper level. Considering the time, place and the circumstances around under which they respond allows us to explore them and determine their identity. In the short story Sonnys Blues, James Baldwin conveys the message of how one goes about peeing and maintaining their identity on different levels by using elements of setting. The author uses elements of setting several times to convey the message but some of the prominent uses are the war machine service, life in Harlem and especially the use of lousiness. The military service plays an burning(prenominal) role in the evolving of the narrators identity as it helps him take in respect and be recognized by the neighborhood, something that Sonny yearns for. Growing up in Harlem is the most impor tant setting because the brothers endured several hardships in Harlem, which allowed them to arrive at and maintain a certain identity. The use of darkness is important because darkness signifies drugs and violence therefore if someone were seen in the dark, would be given an inert identity.The time spend in the military service helps the narrator establish personal characteristics which enable him to understand the world around him and be to a greater extent successful in life. Being in the military has given him th...
Friday, March 22, 2019
Their Eyes Were Wathiching God Essay -- essays research papers
Their Eyes Were Watching deityTheir Eyes Were Watching God is a story about the life of JanieCrawford and the hardships and triumphs in her three marriages, though therewere many more hardships. In this essay I willing share with you the setting, somecharacters, incidents from the plot, the theme, and point of view.This story begins in the 1930s when Janie returns to her home inEatonville, Florida. She therefore begins to recount her life story to her closestfriend, Phoeby. The story then shifts on to various cities in South Florida,primarily Eatonville and the Florida Everglades.Janie Crawford, the main character, was a fair-skinned, black womanwho was admired by many. She was married three measure her first marriagewas at the age of sixteen which was arranged by her grandmother. Janiedisplayed a streak of her independence and identity when she left her firsthusband, and lived but for months after her second died. Throughout her lifeJanie demonstrated a unafraid personality as she traveled from marriage tomarriage without thinking twice. tea Cake Woods, Janies third husband, was a younger man in histhirties. He was a free-spirited, nomadic person, whos main source of incomewas derived from gambling. Tea Cake met his finis when in a rabid rage, hewas shot in self-defense by Janie....
Schizophrenia and the Brain Essay -- Mental Health, Diseases
Over the last few decades dementia praecox has become embedded in mainstream vernacular as any demeanor or emotional response that is out of touch with reality. However even so with its popularity heightened through movies and headline news stories, schizophrenia is still one of the about enigmatic and least understood disorders of the brain. With current research focused on the role of neurobiology and functioning on a cellular level, investigative abstract has merited new innovations towards its source, however a single organic bowel movement for the disorder still eludes scientists. Although the foundation of the affliction is still unknown, its effects argon well documented and all over the next few pages allow register the changes in the brain as the disease develops, and how those alterations impact the rest of the personify and alter various other functions throughout the viscera. The term Schizophrenia was basic coined in 1911 by Swiss psychiatrist Dr. Eugen Bleule r and translates from the original Greek as schizo (split) and phrene (mind), making a literal translation of split-mind, in reference to the disunite thinking of those with the disease (Johnstone, 1994). Although the term was first used in the primal twentieth century, according to scholars a madness was described in The Ebers Papyrus, a collection of ancient Egyptian aesculapian papers dating buns to 1550 BC, which accu roamly depicts some of schizophrenias symptoms (Johnstone, 1994). With its possible documentation over three millennia ago and its symptoms documented in a myriad of medical journals throughout history, the disorder itself is very rare. Those who are at the highest risk of reflexion are offspring whose parents are both schizophrenic, although even at this rate the risk o... ...hrenia is unique disorder that affects the brain in many ways, thus far manifests itself differently from person to person. As there is no tangible deed of conveyance for how the diso rder will impact the person, it can be a laborious illness to treat. Its effects on the brain, from enlarged ventricles to a decline in dendrite spines, shows the major impact the illness can have on animate a normal life. Although the disorder afflicts just over fifty-eight million people worldwide it is still devastating to those who are affected and plot of land the medical community makes leaps and bounds in understanding the disease, a recover is still far from the horizon. With psychology grant money from universities being invested preponderantly in neuropsychology, perhaps sometime in the near future scientists will be able to fully understand this illness and find a successful and permanent cure for it.
Thursday, March 21, 2019
Dr. Frankenstein, Science,Technology and Ethics Essay examples -- Dr.
Dr. Frankenstein, Science,Technology and EthicsThere is nothing more profound to the highest degree the topic of intuition and technology than its ability to be a fellow in helping to save lives. It is so influencial in coming up with the latest drugs to combat harmful and even deadly diseases and viruses such as AIDS, and more or less cancers. We are where we are today because of the remarkable innovations in science and technology. The idea that lives can be saved from such innovations as a new flu vaccine, or a new type of antibiotic drug that can battle chicken pox, and many other diseases. Its all intimately the wage hikements that we get from science and technology that let us live the focusing we do. Now, we dont have to worry about dying from the chicken pox or another once deadly disease. Its gotten so advanced that women can flat get a morning after pill to stop the impregnation of an egg , so that she wont get pregnant. This type of technology was not around twenty years ago. Its now time to start taking into consideration how they are expiry about testing these newly invented vaccines or studies to get their results. Are the scientists going about getting their results in a moral way? At what cost is it that we are getting these bulky advancements? These are the questions that we need answered. For me personally, having been born three months early, I cant give thanks science and technology enough. If it wasnt for the advancements in technology in the early eighties, I probably would not have survived, or worse, I would have had some disabilities such as Muscular Distrophy, retardation, or something even worse. I was golden to have been born in one of the nations top neo-natal hospitals at the time, Portland Maine checkup Center, in Portland, Maine. If I had be... ...ant please everyone. No matter what you do, someone is terminus ad quem to have a beef with it. Scientists need to be given the credit they deserve. They slave hours upo n hours in labs coming up with such great and magnificant things that soak up our lives a lot more managable whether it be the antibiotic that can recover the common cold, which they havent quite mastered yet, or a life save treatment that can battle a deadly disease, such as stem cells. Advancements in science and technology are only going to get better. Lets hope that their techniques for research and experimentation are going to advance with them. Who knows, maybe one day we will come up with a control testing object that can be used to do any type of research and experiments on. Hey, its a suggestion Works Cited Shelley, Mary. Frankenstein. The comportment of Others. Andrea A. Lunsford and John J. Ruszki
Analysis of South of the Slot by Jack London Essay -- South of the Slo
synopsis of South of the Slot by Jack LondonThe slot is a metaphor of the class cleavage of society. There was a origin between the North and South of the Slot in terms of twist types in the North were the higher-class centers of diversion, lodging, and parentage and in the South were the lower-class centers of lodging, humble pasture/business. The buildings are figures of two contrasting classes that were segregated (?). In secernate to study the southern people (the working class) a sociology professor of the University of CA, Freddie Drummond (FD), decides to work temporarily as an unskilled laborer. Initially he experiences social problems of allowance and acceptance by his fellow workers. For example, he doesnt understand their clamorous admonitions to reduce his work pace. As a result of his fierce argument against them, by the 6th day FD doubles his earnings. He misunderstands their lack of inscription to the business, and looks down on them. Being unable to convinc e Drummond, and as a last resort, his co-workers jumped on him and attacked him so badly that he becomes ill. Once recovered, Drummond changes job. He finds himself working as a fruit-distributor among the women and decides not to change their work conditions. In six months, Drummond works at many jobs, and succeeds in imitating a existent worker. As FD makes tentative generalizations about the working class, he is applauded by the business people, who divulge and spread his studies to the working cl...
Wednesday, March 20, 2019
Youth Violence Essay -- Papers Children Child Violent
Youth Violence Violence is a learned behavior. Children often experience violence for the first time in their lives in their homes or in the community. This first taste of violence may include their parents, family members or their friends. Studies have shown that children who witness violent acts, either as a dupe or as a victimizer, are more likely to kick upstairs up to become involved in violence.During our second weekend class, we talked specifically about violence and youth. For some young people who have already developed a pattern of violent behavior, the probability that this way of biography go away endure into their adult lives is very likely. I believe that ill will is often learned very early in a childs spiritedness. For the maturement trend in youth violence to subside, I assert that parents and many others must make every attempt to educate themselves and to implement methods that will reduce and ultimately prevent much of this violent behavior.Parents most often play the greatest positive role in a childs life by raising them in homes where they feel safe, secure and loved...
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